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Showing posts from August, 2013

Religion vs. Relationship

 Howdy there! You know I have about two posts just sitting in my dashboard waiting to be completed but I couldn't get them done, not because of writer's block though. It moreso has to do with my spirit being shaken up a little bit recently. You know, when you're moving to a new home and/or location, your furniture and other belongings are going to be shaken up and rearranged. Nothing will stay put or remain in its original spot when you're picking up and going someplace else. The same can be said about your spirit. When you are progressively on the move UPWARD, things WILL change. And I hate to scare you but some parts of your spirt will be BROKEN. There will also be things you'll have to detach from and leave behind. Sometimes by choice and others based on the fact that this NEW place won't have room for it anymore. With all that being said, I am moving out of this season of solitary confinement (YES LORD!) and off to experience some NEW THANGS! I

Don't Take It Personal

So, last week I shared with you all that I was in a season of solitary confinement. Depending on where you are mentally and spiritually, this season can be a bit trying sometimes and you’re not always going to find yourself in the most pleasant of circumstances. NEVERTHELESS, if you want to go higher in God and you want to recognize your power, impact, and your assignment in Him, this season will be a vital part of that discovery. Now if you can recall, I named a few situations that will help you figure out if you’re in a season of solitary confinement. With that being said, these situations will require that you take off those little tighty whities you’ve been wearing during your walk and GURD UP YOUR LOINS to put on some BIG BOY AND BIG GIRL DRAWLS! Ha! Say what? YES! You will be required to square your shoulders and suck up some things real quick. Like seriously take your emotions off your sleeve and try your hardest to NOT get OFFENDED! At some point of this walk, God wi