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Showing posts from March, 2014

Pregnant with Possibilities

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a burning in my spirit. The burning then turns into kicks. The kicks turn into ideas. And the ideas turn into desires and passions. Did you know that whatever you’re passionate about leads you straight into your purpose? Did you know that your purpose is actually the will of God?     A sure fire sign that you are PREGNANT WITH POSSIBILITIES is having a feeling that you should be doing something other than what you’re doing now. You may be restless. Your attention span may be a little off and your regular appetite for the mundane and routine suddenly makes you queasy and uneasy. In this vast expanse called Earth everybody has something to do! Something to do that is much bigger than who we are, something that will make a difference. We are all PREGNANT WITH POSSIBILIITiES, to do something explosively grand with God’s help of course! You are PREGNANT WITH POSSIBILITIES! Don’t believe me? Here is t