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Showing posts from October, 2014


This post is long overdo but I will keep it short and sweet! So, I have been completely uninspired as of late, which is why you guys haven’t heard from me in a while. But so much has happened since my last post. Preached my first sermon, danced my first solo praise dance, and sang my first solo. Yeah, a lot of firsts right? It all sounds good and yes I did my victory dance but I’ve still been feeling like I’m missing my mark on life. My high highs have been followed with some very severe lows masked with temporary accoutrements to satisfy my emotional distaste for my current state of living. Does that make any sense? Ok look, have you ever found yourself in pursuit of happiness and just when you think you found it, the feeling flees. Maybe I’m the only one that feels like I’m chasing butterflies or an imaginary friend. One day I walked into my castle, barely breathing because I was exhausted mentally and physically. I fell onto my bed and I heard God loud in clear, “Tanzy, you’r