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Showing posts from December, 2018

Until Next Time...

Well hello there! Thanks for dropping by today. For those of you who don't know me as well as others, this is the time of year I actually highly anticipate. Not because of Christmas and gifts or what not but because I typically reserve this month to put some things down and disable all access to social media outlets to commune with God on a deeper level.  I don't believe I've done nearly enough on this earth to call my time away a sabbatical so I'll just say I'm going to Shiloh for a while.  What's Shiloh?  Well I'm most glad you asked!  In 1 Samuel 1:3, it says that Hannah's husband Elkanah  would go every year to Shiloh with his family,  a city near Bethel where he would worship God and offer up a sacrifice. This year was fairly decent as I think about it. I got some much needed stuff accomplished and I couldn't be more pleased.  But I'm eager for God to spell some deeper things out for me about my life especially since som