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Showing posts from January, 2014

SeX SeX & All That Jazz!

  We're all balls of energy. We were created in the image of God so we possess an unimaginable power. A lot of which we don’t even know we have.  When God created man he gave man enough power to govern and fight for his kingdom. He gave woman power to be the bearer of nations.  That means that when man and woman become ONE their powers together are EXPLOSIVE!  Anyway, life happened when Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation. And life throws punches honey, which means we have to constantly be recharged of our powers. With that being said God originally created sex for procreation and not for pleasure. But everything God created He saw that it was good thus meaning sex is supposed to feel and be good too. Look at this, when man and woman become one this is the perfect opportunity for them to recharge their powers!  If this union however, is NOT ordained, you have two people bumping and grinding and losing unnecessary POWER making them pretty much WORTHLESS in the KINGDOM

Hunger Games

Happy 2014 beautiful people! Is the new year treating you well so far? What have you been doing DIFFERENT to make this year THE YEAR OF GREATNESS? If you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s ok. It’s never too late to START figuring things out and putting stuff into motion! Please don’t wait until the END of the year though! Ok? So until you get it together, have a seat with me real quick, while we delve into the first post of the NEW YEAR together. We’re already two weeks into this thang shawty and SheMEHer done received some healthy servings of REVELATIONS from the DIVINE SOURCE! Yes honey! And I’m so DEEP in, that I have long since passed the point of NO RETURN. What the hell are you talking about Tanzy? Look, a snorkeler needs gear to snorkel. A firefighter needs gear to fight fires and you my friend need gear TO GO HIGHER. Higher where? HIGHER IN GOD! Not only will you need to gurd up your loins and put on the whole armor of God, you’re going to need all five of your sens