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SeX SeX & All That Jazz!


We're all balls of energy. We were created in the image of God so we possess an unimaginable power. A lot of which we don’t even know we have.  When God created man he gave man enough power to govern and fight for his kingdom. He gave woman power to be the bearer of nations.  That means that when man and woman become ONE their powers together are EXPLOSIVE!

 Anyway, life happened when Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation. And life throws punches honey, which means we have to constantly be recharged of our powers. With that being said God originally created sex for procreation and not for pleasure. But everything God created He saw that it was good thus meaning sex is supposed to feel and be good too. Look at this, when man and woman become one this is the perfect opportunity for them to recharge their powers!

 If this union however, is NOT ordained, you have two people bumping and grinding and losing unnecessary POWER making them pretty much WORTHLESS in the KINGDOM OF GOD! You can’t fight against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wickedness in high places if you yourself are WITHOUT POWER! (Ephesians 6:12)

 SeX is a beautiful thing, you hear me? The fact that two completely different creatures can connect in such a way just amazes me. The science of SeX makes it all the more a fascinating phenomenon. I must remind you again that God created SeX and thus it is indeed a GOOD THING chile. But I must also remind you that the devil has a grudge against God so it is not surprising that he has taken such a beautiful thing and flipped it to be vile, vulgar, perverted and disgusting. Even more sickening is that people are falling for the HOGWASH!  A face palm is warranted at that fact that the people of the CHURCH, are believing this foolery as well.

 People are putting so much emphasis on SeX and little next to NONE on MARRIAGE!!! Marriage might I add also is a beautiful thing. These premarital sexual relations are NOT what’s poppin’. But because the devil has twisted it in such a cunning way, people including the saints, are falling for the okie doke as you sit here reading this post right now! It’s like people’s mindsets are set on ANYTHING GOES. Worldy SeX has no MEANING OR VALUE. Wordly SeX makes you more prone to SOUL TIES! Did you know that?

 In my nine years of being sexually active, once I engaged in the act, I cared little about these men. (Ok, give or take two) I found myself doing it just to be doing it and doing other STUPID THINGS just to get it. I got wrapped in a couple of nasty soul ties too. Now you may be smart and say, “You just told me that SeX recharges you. If I’m not having

SeX, how do I get recharged?” SeX under the supervision of God (Marriage) is what recharges you! Everything that you do for the kingdom in place of SeX while you’re single recharges you and those things actually continue to recharge you even after marriage. So don’t play! SeX while married just happens to be the NATURAL RECHARGER. Yo, I just felt like I needed to reiterate myself.

 So yeah, this post is not to make you feel bad. I could hit you over the head with scriptures that tell you what you ALREADY KNOW! But I’m not going to do all that. Actually I want to make you feel the complete opposite. I want you to feel GOOD about FALLING IN LOVE WITH GOD ALL OVER AGAIN and starting by honoring Him with your body. Premarital SeX is not HOT! I repeat it’s not hot!

 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore uhonor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

 “If you love me, obey my commands.” (John 14:15)


  1. Til marriage...No sex zone! No sex zone! They knowww betta! They knowww betta!


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