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Showing posts from February, 2014

The Curse of Eve

The first woman on this Earth had it all, a banging body I bet, a banging kingdom, and a banging husband, but she put it all on the line for a popped piece of fruit the baldheaded serpent told her she could have. I could easily blame her for the menstrual cramps I’m suffering from RIGHT NOW. The labor pains that I will have to endure later on down the road IF I decide to have kids. I could blame my struggles with men on that woman, EVE. But I won’t, because who hasn’t blamed her already? Her faults are no longer her faults, they’re now our faults ladies, so we just have to shut up and DEAL with it. Sorry. All those faults are surface faults anyway. But there’s some very SERIOUS underlying effects of the CURSE OF EVE. These effects aren’t readily noticed but surprisingly enough, there are people making money off of them! Once I became aware of it, I was appalled! In the Garden of Eden, if you can recall, Eve's lovely self was approached by a serpent who made her


Yo, have you ever been so frustrated with your life that you just wanted to say, "F&ck it, I quit!" Has your walk with God made you question Him like, "Why me, God?" This past Friday, I went there. First of all, Friday came with its boxing gloves and ready for some mad bull jive! You feel me? And yes I did pray that morning. I prayed for clarity, revelation, and instruction. So I get halfway through a mentally exhausting work day, and I get kicked in the gut! Reeling in pain, before I could catch my breath I get punched in the chest. Let's just say I was done for the rest of day.  After work I took myself on a date. Life just seemed to be easier for those few hours. But those few hours left me as fast as they'd come and as I walked to my castle, reality sank in. The pain from earlier came back. I had to come to grips with the fact that I'd been jumped on in the spirit.  I sat in bed with my back against the wall and for the first