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Showing posts from November, 2014

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

 As I sat here, at my dining table eating breakfast, I began to reflect on yesterday's witnessing of yet another person walking away freely from a crime he committed against another man, aka the Mike Brown case. I concluded, that although tragically unfortunate, the defense must have done a stand up job at creating REASONABLE DOUBT among the jury. If not, then the accused would have been the CONVICTED.  But I digress. This post will not divulge on the inner city injustices known and unknown. I will not attempt to voice my radical views or conspiracy theories on the mass desecration on society, involving the judicial system and government by way of legislative abuse. I'm not going to do it! Because it's going to be done over and over on somewhere. So let me make a hard right into this post and take the term REASONABLE DOUBT with us. Reasonable doubt- A standard of proof that must be surpassed to convict an accused in a criminal proceeding.