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Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

 As I sat here, at my dining table eating breakfast, I began to reflect on yesterday's witnessing of yet another person walking away freely from a crime he committed against another man, aka the Mike Brown case. I concluded, that although tragically unfortunate, the defense must have done a stand up job at creating REASONABLE DOUBT among the jury. If not, then the accused would have been the CONVICTED. 

But I digress. This post will not divulge on the inner city injustices known and unknown. I will not attempt to voice my radical views or conspiracy theories on the mass desecration on society, involving the judicial system and government by way of legislative abuse. I'm not going to do it! Because it's going to be done over and over on somewhere. So let me make a hard right into this post and take the term REASONABLE DOUBT with us.

Reasonable doubt- A standard of proof that must be surpassed to convict an accused in a criminal proceeding.

To understand reasonable doubt in a more general fashion. we must first understand DOUBT. Doubt means to waver to some degree. To not have a solid conviction one way or the other.
I am afraid, that the body of Christ, are not operating in solid conviction. Thus, BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

I'm not even going to lie to you, I panic when things don't go as planned. I run sometimes when things become unbearable. I throw sidebar tantrums like, "Ok, God, you said this. And you said that. But this and that ain't happening. I'm angry with you! You're making me look like a fool. I quit!"
I am a prime example of a believer who's not operating beyond a reasonable doubt. 

I'm someone who from a very young age, just KNEW stuff. I was super inquisitive and extremely curious about EVERYTHING. I read a lot and I asked a lot of questions. I watched and listened to everything. After I taught myself how to read, I discovered I had the gift of foresight. That gift, quite keen I must add, literally RUINED all the suspense in my life, because I knew what was going to happen. 

So imagine a MISS KNOW IT ALL in a relationship with God who is OMNISCIENT or all knowing. FIRE AND ICE! I continue to  wrestle with Him. My argument; "Why would you give me this gift, if I'm only going to be getting in my own way and YOUR WAY." And He always answers me by placing me into situations where my gift is paralyzed. Lol Check THAT OUT. He does this, to pull me into a place beyond a reasonable doubt. Into a place where, I just have to know, that I know, that I KNOW! Without even really having a lot of proof that I know anything. You get that?

This is the place where He wants all of His believers to be. A place where no matter what happens, no matter what it looks like, no matter where His favor just seems like it isn't working, a place where we can say boldly and proudly, "I know that, without a shadow of doubt, God is in this. And that God will do what said He would do. That His promises will be made known in the natural. That I will not be put to shame for believing Him. That the vision He showed me will come to past. That I will be in the center of a miraculous blessing. That my latter will be greater than my former. That I will come out on top!" 

I was reading an article a few days ago and smack dab in the middle of the article in bold letters read;
"The less you know, the more you believe." 
Well slap your neighbor why don't you!
If you don't know everything, it forces you to go searching. A searcher has to believe something in order to keep searching. 

Doubt is a derivative of fear. God did not give us the spirit of fear. Perfect love drives out fear. God is love. What am I trying to get you to see? That we're in a season where our faith will be challenged to the core! Where visions will be robbed from the womb if we do not begin to operate beyond a reasonable doubt! How do you get there? You get there by sitting your lovely imperfect self at the feet of God and pull on His presence until it overtakes you. His presence is the very thing that will give you the confidence you need. Surround yourself with people who are believing the same thing and feed your faith with His word daily. At this point you can't afford not to. Understand me?


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