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Showing posts from February, 2015

50 Shades of Jacked Up

This weekend was a weekend of deep reflection for me. As I have been in extreme reflective mode since this new year began, it's a different feeling when God shows you something about yourself that you never knew was even an issue. And that is when you have to accept that you're 50 SHADES OF JACKED UP! Ha! Change that frown though, honey. This is actually a good thing. You see, you can't make any changes with yourself if you don't confront what needs to be changed. Furthermore, you most definitely can't change anything that you don't think needs changing. Hear this, when God shows you that issue, my friend it is AN ISSUE that NEEDS TO BE CHANGED! God showed me my jacked up ways this past Saturday. I was feeling miserable because I was suffering from one of my typical allergic spells, sneezing and hacking all over the place, chile! lol Well, in the midst of a sneezing fit, I recieved a call from one of my sister's in Christ asking me if I would do a pra