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Showing posts from April, 2018

Diamonds & Pearls

    P salm 139:14  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. This was one of the first scriptures I would become acquainted with when I became a believer nine years ago. I remember when I heard it quoted by someone in the church it felt like I'd been jolted by electricity. It was an unusual but amazing feeling to say the least. For someone who'd not too long just come from off the streets of atheism and suffering severely from low self esteem and low self worth, my soul needed to hear that the God I was trying to get to know had put great effort into me.  This scripture served as a continuous reminder since I would go through what seemed like a never-ending roller coaster of emotions that revolved around how I saw myself. My personal relationships were few because my lifestyle had drastically changed thus my interests had changed as well. Plus a romantic relationship had run me ragged. 

Mustard Seed

Matthew 17:20 And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Pastor Mike Todd-Transformation Church  When  you hear the word,  faith, what do you hear? What is your definition of faith aside from the scripture Hebrews 11:1 that says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen?" What does that even mean?  Can you show me how the substance of things hoped for showed up strong in your life? Can you specifically tell me how the evidence of things unseen got you here reading this post today? How has faith made an impact and imprint in your life?  When's the last time you had to use faith? When was the last time your faith was really tested? When was the last time you felt like your faith had been used up? Is it a su

Muddy Butterflies

How are you doing, beloved? Answer this question honestly. Don't respond with something quasi spiritual, so find the receipt and take that cliche response, "Blessed and highly favored," BACK!  HOW ARE YOU DOING?  Have you ever been on the verge of tears and all you needed to hear was for somebody to ask that question and the levies broke releasing your disappointment, your pain, your anxiety, your anger, just everything wadded up inside of you? I've been there before. Plenty of times.          If you haven't, I say keep living.  Now, I've been in environments and relationships where to have feelings was a crime. It was shunned. Tears were considered a sign of weakness. Breaking down was repulsive. And then I've been in situations where my strength was criticized and events were carefully orchestrated to break me for the abusers pleasure.  I'll be transparent with you when I say this, sometimes I wrestle with emotional detachment an

The Pleasure Principle

Proverbs 21:17 The lover of pleasure will be a poor man: the lover of wine and oil will not get wealth.  Have you ever been out and about and felt hungry but you didn't know what you wanted to eat? I absolutely hate when this happens! I believe it's the worst kind of hunger; the undefined hunger. It's because you're typically inundated with so many options that it's a possibility you will overindulge just to satiate this raging palate.  This is exactly what happened to me yesterday and the day before. Monday, I found myself in a restaurant, paralyzed with indecision staring at the menu. I had three choices, choose something I  hadn't eaten in a while, choose a favorite, or choose a sampler because it came with a little bit of everything. I wound up ordering the thing I hadn't tasted in a while and was sorely disappointed. To be honest the meal really left much to be desired. So yesterday, I told myself I would make up for that disappointment whi