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Showing posts from October, 2018


Well happy Wednesday to you all! There will be no week's post for today. Per say. I've been primarily focused on my move into my new place.  So I'm sitting my scribing self in the corner.  But since you're here, I don't want you to leave here empty handed. I feel like blessing somebody with a token of my appreciation for visiting this page on the regular.  I hope you're good at following steps. Here's what I need you to do; 1. Read this post for me: # MustardSeed .  Out of all of the posts I've written since 2013, this was the one that received the least amount of reads. I'm surprised because this year, if I be a witness is one that required we operate in great FAITH. Whether it's because nothing changed, something changed, or everything changed, faith was definitely needed.  2. Tell me what has faith done for you this year or just period so far? 3. Choose one of my posts from this year that you believe had the gr


Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  In a few days most of us in the United States, will be adjusting our clocks backward in observance of daylight savings. So it's going to get darker sooner for us as we gain an hour to our day. I researched that daylight savings was enacted in the early 1900's  primarily , as a means to conserve energy and to enjoy more sunlight during the summer months.  In the summer, we take an hour from our morning and give it to our evening and we take that hour back from our evening to add it to our morning in the winter months.  When I was younger, I can recall feeling that hour exchange mostly in the summer. I hated losing an hour of sleep. I believe it was just a few years ago though when my disdain for an hour being subtracted, would make no difference to me.  The show would have to go on.  It amazes me how slothful people are when it comes to time . Time is by virtue, a very precious and v

All Things

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.  Have you ever just took some time out to think about all of the things God blocked in your life? What about the stuff that He didn't block but allowed to happen?  When I recently took into consideration all of the things God stopped, redirected, and just plain ole told me, "No!" I rejoiced.  I'm truly grateful because I'm currently benefiting from God's timely assists.  Yet as I continued to thank God for shutting things down, pulling me out of situations, and keeping me from walking into others, I grew angry. I hurled up a grievance from the sole of my feet and I asked Him, "How come you blocked that, but you didn't block this? How come you stopped that from happening, but You didn't stop this from happening? How come You gave me the wisdom to maneuver out of one trap but didn't give m

Mo' Money

Ecclesiastes 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. You don't know the struggle if you've never had a few struggle snacks and meals growing up. My struggle snacks were syrup sandwiches, Peter Pan peanut butter on a spoon, and Vienna sausages. And till this day you will never be able to get me to eat another bowl of black-eyed peas because that was the go to struggle meal for us. But plenty of times we would go to bed with just a piece of toast on our bellies. Me and my two siblings, were birthed in poverty.  All I've ever known was the struggle. We never had money. Our clothes came from thrift stores and hand me downs from cousins. One time in 8th grade my cousin gave me a pair of her white and blue Reeboks. I was so happy to replace my Nike knock offs for a real pair of name brand sneakers that I cleaned them as best as I could and coated them with white shoe polish, I don't know how many times. When I wen

Cruel as the Grave

Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel and anger is a flood, but who can withstand jealousy? "Jealousy is the reflection of one ignoring the deep pain of separating from their own light whilst others move on in theirs.” Serge Benhayon  Esoteric Teachings & Revelations,   p 96 “JEALOUSY is nothing more than self-fury. It is a personal attack on yourself for not doing what you knew had to be done, which is then vented outward to those who are doing what there is to be done.”Serge Benhayon  Esoteric Teachings & Revelations,  p 123 I was NOT expecting to go here at all. I definitely told myself I would never go here! Despite my protests, I've been provoked by God to go here.  Before I take you down a very spooky place in my life, I must inform you that it is imperative that we monitor our relationships and what they bring out of us. If they are of God, they should charge us, sharpen us, and even motivate precious hidden treasures in our souls to be recognized. Y