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The Effectual Fervent Prayer

I am convinced that there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. I believe I’ve touched on this before in an earlier post. But I’ve received some new revelations to add to my case.

2 Corinthians 1:20

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

So does this mean that every prayer we send up, God says “Yes” to? Well, I must inform you, that it’s a little more complicated than that. Yet, it’s  not at all hard to understand. There is a three part transaction in this entire process. First we have OUR PRAYERS. Second, we have GOD’S PROMISES. Third, we have THE AMEN.” Yo, I’m so excited to explain this in full!

 YOUR PRAYERS: The desires and issues of your heart are the language behind your prayers. Whatever interferences your heart experiences (that rhymes! Lol) determines the kind of prayer that you lift up to God. God will ALWAYS answer the prayer. That’s where the “YES” comes into to play. And He answers a prayer based on its alignment to His PROMISES.  This is how GREAT God is,  if you’re asking Him for something that doesn’t mirror His promises, He reconfigures your prayer by changing YOUR HEART. This then reconfigures your prayer and guarantees a response! Also whoever else is attached to this answered prayer determines the timing of its manifestation. A lot of rearranging and shifting is ttranspiring on YOUR BEHALF right now as you read this.

GOD’S PROMISES: “For no matter how many promises God has made…” What are God’s promises? That’s a good question considering all of them will get a YES! Because God’s promises are vast in nature, I decided to categorize them into the following: LIFE, PEACE, JOY, AND WISDOM. Your prayers should fall into these categorize and if they don’t rest assured God will reconfigure them as I stated above so that He can answer you with a YES. Evidence of the reconfiguration is when you get exactly what you asked for but not in the way your human intellect drafted the prayer. Because we can’t possibly fathom how God does what He does all of our prayers are ruff drafts. Once they get into His hands, He edits them for us and VOILA a perfect manifestation presents itself! It’s like God doesn’t want to see us walk away empty handed so He assists us in the process of prayers. He turns the basic prayer into an EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER! 

 THE AMEN:  “And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.” So I know the petty minds of the overly astute, are asking, “Well, if God has it rigged that all our prayers be answered with a YES, how come, I’ve walked away multiple times more disappointed than anything?  At the end of the day no matter what, God has to get the glory out of our lives. This may entail some heavy doses of divine intervention. Depending on what you’ve prayed for, systems have to be brought down, mindset and hearts have to be changed, and environments have to change, to say the least. This is also true for whoever is attached to your prayers. Their mindsets and environments have to change too. God has to deal with that as well as your faith and obedience or lack thereof. He will do all of this to get THE AMEN out of you. You get that? You are THE AMEN! Because you are the main character of your prayer, you finalize the fulfillment of His promise! BOOM!

This post is deep I know. But what I'm trying to get you to understand is this, prayer is how we communicate with God and Him answering is His way of directing us to the place that He wants us to be! This is actually the crux of Jeremiah 29:11! "For I know the plans I think towards you..." He has to answer you according to His promises so that His plans for you can be fulfilled! I dare you to be more specific with your prayers. Be deliberate! Record and track those petitions! You may even be made allowed to see God working on what you've asked for! So get excited about the EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER! 


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