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I want to play a game. Lol! Not like in the movie SAW. (The first two SAWs were good but after that...fart!) Anybody'swho, the only way you can play this game is if you have a very good imagination, along with some very good hypothetical association skills. (I just made that up). Ok, so, let's imagine you are with a group of people. You all have decided that you're going on a field trip. (group field trips are great. Somebody scream "YEAH!")

Now, say that you all have decided to go to a specific place. But then ya'll run into a problem. Ya'll done messed around and got LOST! Hey there was this show called "Lost" with a huge following, I really didn't get into it cuz to me it seemed like a newer creepier version of "Gilligan's Island" and I hated that show because they never got off that damn island. Where am I going with this? Well, that's a pretty messed up situation to be in; to be with a group of people who are LOST! Nobody in the group has any answers, ideas, or directions. And if they do, they aren't relatively benefical to the cause. (Shaking my head at the struggle!)

So now ya'll just out here looking STUPID. Before I tell you what you should do, let me tell you what you SHOULDN'T do. All of ya'll are lost, so why would you ask each other how to get where you're going? You wouldn't, because that's just dumb! Another one, complaining about being lost without effectively locating ways to be UNLOST is sheer foolery. Last, pretending that you aren't lost. Now that right there is some homemade premeditated foolery! And it can get you into trouble. REAL TALK! This leads me to the topic of my discussion. EYES WIDE SHUT!

So I was perusing through my news feed on facebook one evening and saw something disturbing. (with 500plus friends...that's enevitable) Well ShawtyA (we're going to call her that for now) posted a stat something similar to this, "How could you kill your kids and say that Jesus told you to do it. I don't know about this Jesus thing." But wait that aint it! Her friends responses were repulsive. So repulsive I forced myself to block them out of my rememberance. After sitting there with the same face I had when I first saw this scene in the movie "Seven" with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. This scene was terrible! Two detectives (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) were called to a location where a weird homicide took place. An obese man was chained to a chair and force fed till he died. But here's the terrible part. Underneath the table where he sat was a huge bucket of vomit.

CLAUDE HELP ME! I just cringed. YES! That face you're making RIGHT now, like I said is the face I was making when I was reading the comments associated with ShawtyA's stat. Then I got angry! So instead of actually questioning the real motives behind the so called "Babykillers" you question Jesus? Really? So I responded, "Jesus aint got no parts in that! There are people out here who abuse the faith to validate their violent actions." ShawtyA didn't even flinch. She continued to entertain the people who were in agreemnent with her.

Let's finish playing the game we started earlier. You and yo ballheaded friends are bout as lost as five Canadian tourists in Englewood Chicago. (if that aint lost then I don't know what is! lol) The best thing to do is ask someone else other than those fellow lost friends you're with. Why? Because you have a better chance of getting to where you need to go. And where you need to go before the safety of the group is compromised. A group of lost people are vulnerable. ShawtyA is lost, her freinds are lost, and they all lost together. They're just out here willynilly codoning each others foolery with a bleek destination. No covering, no shield, no beliefs, no direction, blind, death, dumb...EYES WIDE SHUT. In that order.

"Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:14

Look at that! Now since I consider myself to be well aware of where I am, where I'm going, and most importanly where I'm SUPPOSED to be going, (I'm not lost that's what I'm saying) I must take this scripture serious! But, (there is a but) that doesn't nagate the fact that I still can do something from afar. (damning the lost to hell is not the answer) I, with every inch of my beautiful being (wink) believe, PRAYER changes things. PRAYER shifts atmospheres and causes envrionments to transform not only for the praying participant (aka the prayee) but for the prayee's situation and the situation's bystanders. It puts the proof in the pudding! It's sad that we're living in a day in age where people will remain with their EYES WIDE SHUT until they SEE something. These people have existed since the beginning of days. (Just ask Thomas in the bible John 20:24-29)

With that being said, I will be sending up special prayers. Prayers that Jesus will show up like he did when he rose up from the grave. Show up like he did for those 500 people the bible said was able to see him after he rose. Show up for all those who have EYES WIDE SHUT.


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