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This weekend was absolutely lovely in regards to the weather. The sun was glorious, the wind was magnificent, and the sky was great! I decided to walk to the lake with my yorkie Noah. We weren't that far from our destination when a guy sitting on a bench asked me what kind of dog was Noah. Mind you Noah isn't your typical yorkie. (which is why I love him so much!) He's a yorkie chihuahuah mix. He doesn't really look like either. Well a short conversation about my dog shifted into a very deep and mentally stimulating conversation with this guy I'm going to call him Mr. MildDud Eyes. We talked about everything! My book (especially), choices, people, and matters of the heart. I just remember him saying, "You're different. You're very different." I tend to get that response from people often.

Anybody'swho, as easy as I can be pulled into or turned on by a conversation, that's how easy I can be turned off. Me and Mr.MilkDud Eyes talked literally for almost four hours until the chilly breeze from the lake started to make my nose run. So how did such an interesting conversation come to a screeching halt? Let me learn you something about this chick, I AM VERY PASSIONATE about ALL THINGS GOD! Furthermore I AM VERY PASSIONATE about WHAT HE'S TOLD ME! I don't give a good Jean Claude Van DAMN if what I know to be true does not fit into YOUR modus operandi! You're not even obligated to try to make ANYTHING that doesn't fit, FIT, so why try?

Here's what I've observed when dealing with people, if you just so happen to be on a more complex level of thinking, the people you come across will do one of three things; Try to find a way to take over the world (i'm just playing ha!) No really they will try to figure how to think the same as you, try to figure how they can make you think like them, or last but NOT least, try to refute or downplay how you're thinking and what you know. It is okay to have an opinion. Opinions mean you're thinking (just a little bit lol) But your opinions are weak when you're using them against someone who has been listening to God for so long. It's like trying to push a tree with your own might. Unless you're SUPERMAN you might as well give it up!

IF GOD SAID IT....IT'S GOT TO HAPPEN! Never let anyone tell you what God said to you is poppycosh, fakephony, or make believe. That's not God's steelo. (that's actually the devil's department) You will reach a point in your journey with God, where people will gravitate to you and your spirit. They will be attracted to your light. They will like what you're about and even push for you to reach for the stars. These people are weird though. Their weird because they secretly and desperately WANT to be on your team but they've recognized their going to have to GIVE UP something to be apart of your team. Their going to have to SACRIFICE something. Better yet everything you stand for actually will FORCE THEM TO CHANGE! #Boom!

And some people don't want to change! Sad but true! How ironic it was to be sitting in church yesterday listening to one of the reverends talk to us about CHANGE! She said. 'IT'S TIME TO THINK FOR A CHANGE". Look at that statement again. But this time, look at it this way, "It's time to think....FOR A CHANGE!" Everyday you should be making decisive steps toward being BETTER than your yesterday's SELF. And if you just so happen to run into a person who can ASSIST you in that, you are on the right path my friend!

But back to the subject at hand. IF GOD SAID IT...IT'S GOT TO HAPPEN! I have gotten into so many arguments and debates with people about what GOD TOLD ME that I almost went CRAZY. Even worse, I found myself sitting back like, "God, can you really make that happen like you said it would?" AND THAT'S A NO NO! So now I just cut it off before it get's hectic. Give them a nice ole hearty benediction, "May the Lord WATCH between me and thee, while we are absent ONE FROM ANOTHER!" Lol cuz to be honest ain't nobody got time for no DOUBT!

Here's what happened, when we got to the subject of marraige, in so many words he said, that basically it was a waste of time thinking that a man would WAIT till marriage to have sex with me, that I'd wait and end up with somebody who couldn't 'perform", and that I'd probably end up getting married at 50. o_0........................................(Somebody say he TRIED IT!) I gave him that "YOU'Z A LIE!" face. And I almost found myself about to argue with him but I stopped. It wasn't worth it! Based off this simple fact: there's things that God wants to me do in the future in regards to the kingdom, that REQUIRES I have a partner! So I kept that YOU'Z A LIE face lol.

My point is friends, everything and anything that any-ballheaded-body has to say about you, your walk, and God's promises, YOU SHOULD NOT ALLOW to throw you off course and distract you. You have to get to a point in your walk where you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW! Can you imagine how many people TRIED IT with Noah? (not my Noah lol, Bible Noah) But yet he built that ark! What about the story of Nehemiah? People TRIED IT with him when he took it upon himself to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. People gone TRY IT! They been TRYING IT! So let them TRY IT! Just don't let them plant seeds of doubt into your mind. Don't let them force their unbelief on you. IF GOD SAID IT!....IT'S GOT TO HAPPEN!
