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How Will You Know?

This weekend was explosively EXPLOSIVE! My church is so awesome mayne! You should REALLY reconsider what you're doing with your life on Sundays and come with me HERE! I promise you, you will enjoy yourself on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings! We stay turned up! lol

Anybody'swho, one day I was having a conversation with someone about meeting the one GOD has for you and waiting until you are introduced to that person.. I was expressing how I have made up in my mind that I'm done being my own matchmaker. Cuz to be honest each time I tried  to do so, it ended in  DISASTER! Going out on dates can be fun. You get to meet new people and switch up your regular routine a little. You get to express yourself and hear another person's perspective on life or what not. But lately I have become somewhat annoyed with the dating scene. Dating as a Christian is very different from dating as a person of the world. The boundaries are different and some people (depending on IF THEY ABOUT THAT LIFE) don't want to RESPECT those boundaries! And DON'T EVER make the mistake of giving them the impression that you DON'T have any boundaries or you're not completely upfront with what you will and WON'T TOLERATE....IT'S OVER FAM! It's HARD out'chere in these streets for a Christian yo!

I went out with a guy not too long ago. He was cool. I had his undivided attention and he had mines. There was never a dry spell in our conversation. After dinner, we traveled to a place where the environment was more loose. We were still around people though. The mood was relaxing and chill. I still felt comfortable until that is.... he started touching on me. So a cocktail waitress switched her lil tail to where we sat and asked me if I wanted another drink (I'd already had a shot of goose no chaser lol) I declined but she told me I HAD to get another drink because there was a two drink minimum. o_0 Say what? Yes chile. So I ordered another goose no chaser. I took a sip and started sweatin'....WOOO!!

I was NO WHERE NEAR inebriated (I have a high tolerance for alchohol) but I GUESS this man creature THOUGHT I was cuz he started touching on me MORE! Then guess what BUDDY DID? He kissed me on my neck! (AND THE AUDIENCE GASPS) I was sooooo turned off! I never talked to him again! I told my bestie what happened and she explained to me that my drink of choice provoked his sudden desire to NOT keep his hands and lips to himself. She was like, "Maybe when you go out you should drink something lighter than vodka." But I COULD NEVER DO THAT lol. I decided that I'd rather not DRINK anything. I need to stay sober when it comes to interviewing these creatures. Drinking adverstises that I don't have any boundaries. OBVIOUSLY! 

So this brings me back to the discussion I was having with that person about WAITING on GOD'S CHOICE. The person asked me, "Well if you're waiting on God for your mate and you're going out with people in hopes that one of them will BE THAT PERSON, HOW WILL YOU KNOW?" I wasn't able to answer them because the question took me away. I mean HOW WILL YOU KNOW? How will you know when you have MET THE ONE! How will know that this person is the REAL DEAL? The answer dropped kicked me in my shando (aka my Spirit) about a few days later. 

Galatians 5:22-25
But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.

This scripture is known as the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. It's versed different because I got it from the message version. Now this past Sunday in adult Sunday school, I must have shared with everybody that a Christian has a social security number much like the average American has a social security number. The only difference is, a Christian's social security number are not actually numbers, they are FRUITS. When we live God's way we SHOULD bear 9 FRUITS! LOVE, PEACE, FAITHFULNESS, JOY, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, SELF CONTROL, AND KINDNESS. That's it that's all NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS! 

That is how one who is following God with their ENTIRE LIFE should be recognized. Not by how they look. what they wear, what kind of job he or she has. NOPE! FRUITS my friends. Fruits! If you are dating someone and you have not seen their fruits, chances are their identity has been HIJACKED! If their missing some fruit, chances are their identity has been slightly compromised! This person should have them ALL and they should be LUSCIOUS NOT ROTTEN! Did you know that people can have fruit but the fruit are no good! Their identity has been breached as well. The fruits that this person will have will be VISIBLE you will NOT have to go looking for them. Like how can you tell if a tree is an apple tree or a peach tree? Because you SEE the fruit. This is not rocket science. 

Now it's time to get down on your knees to get dirty with me. We are about to go digging. Listen to this, just because that person bears fruits doesn't necessarily mean that that person is FOR YOU! A few years ago I had reconnected with an old college buddy of mines I'm going to call him Mr. Sunshine. We crushed on each other my entire sophmore year in college but NEVER acted on our feelings. Well needless to say we graduated and didn't see each other again until one Wednesday night he came to my church for bible study. Soon after we decided to make an effort to get to know each other all over again. He came out one Saturday morning with me to bible 101 at my church and I was in awe. He carried himself so well. His fruits were so visible and my family loved him. In my head I'm thinking, "OH MY GOD THIS IS HIM! HE'S THE ONE!" Boy was I wrong! I don't know what happened after, I just remembered a few months later I got a text from Mr. Sunshine. stating he wanted to cease all attempts of establishing a relationship with me. 

I was crushed you hear me? CRUSHED. I fell into a dark pit of anger and bitterness for a week or so. I think a year later I was purging my thoughts and stumbled upon a thought of Mr. Sunshine. Then I heard God say, "His fruit was not YOURS. Your fruit was NOT HIS. You were too strong for him." I'm like oooooooohhh OKAAAAY! That made a lot of sense! Sometimes we can make the mistake of getting so wrapped up in a person, especially if their bearing some really beautiful fruit, that we forget to EXAMINE that fruit to see if it can be combined with ours! 

So HOW WILL KNOW if this is the one GOD picked for you again? First you will know if they bear good fruit period but secondly you will know if you examine closely what kind of fruit they have. Just like a person's 9 digit social security number can tell you A LOT about that person once you do your research, a Christian's 9 fruits of the spirit will tell you A LOT about them once you do your research as well. Both of your fruits are to be combined to make a delicious pastry in the end. But how many of you know that sometimes you can put a whole bunch of good fruits together but the outcome is NASTY! Case in point>the infamous FRUIT CAKE! Who eats those? So yeah, THAT'S HOW YOU WILL KNOW!


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