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Showing posts from June, 2013

My Prayer Life SUCKS!

So I took a short break to finish out my path of consecration last week. I embarked upon a 21 day FAST with my supervisor and her church. The fast was to be considered a RESET for our spirits and LORD KNOWS I needed one. I decided I would DENY food from sun up to sun down. (6am-6pm) TALK ABOUT THE STRUGGLE . Not only was I fasting to RESET my spirit, I was fasting for CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, AND PEACE . The first week of my fast was a war in my EMOTIONS. I cried so much YO! Then to make it worse the areas I was expecting God to make moves were the same areas I was struggling in ( WORK and my LOVE LIFE !) Everything and anything was thrown at me all at once. I remember telling myself, “If the next two weeks will be anything like this week, I’m not going to make it.” The second week was all PHYSICAL . My asthma and allergies were kicking my tail mayne! Some days I would feel sick. My hunger pangs were OFF THE CHAIN too! Once the sun went down I would SWALLOW MY FOOD lol


When I first joined my church, my pastor mentioned a few times to us about SOUL TIES . It was a new term but not necessarily foreign, only because at that moment I felt as if I was tangled up in something. Something that I could not put a finger on. And so when my pastor described to us that SOUL TIES primarily result from engaging in sexual relationships with people who God hasn’t chosen for us, *cough FORNICATION cough* I was dumbstruck. He also told us that when we have sex, there is a transference of spirits from one person to the next. Similar to when someone shakes hands with someone and germs transfer from one hand to another You can say that was my !AHA ! moment.  Needless to say it took me almost a WHOLE YEAR AND HALF to untangle myself from that SOUL TIE! That SOUL TIE might I add. had me so WRAPPED UP AND BOUND it wasn’t even funny yo! Then even after I was delivered, I found that I had scars, unhealed rope burns, and bruises on my spirit and they all were trac

Don't Let the Devil Catch You Lackin'!

I'm in an ON GUARD mode right now. Like you know how the U.S. was on high alert after the bombing in Boston? Yeah that's what I'm on ...HIGH ALERT ! When it comes to the devil, I'm not playing with him. He ain't never gone be a friend of mine! BOOM! But check this out, this is how you and I have to be at ALL TIMES! Why?                                            1 Peter 5:8 Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping . Keep your guard up. You see the piece of scripture highlighted in purple? THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO BE ON HIGH ALERT ALL THE TIME! DON'T LET THE DEVIL CATCH YOU LACKIN"! What does it mean to be caught LACKIN'? Actually this scripture above defined it for us. To be caught lackin'simply means, NAPPING , falling asleep at the wheel, being UNCAUTIOUS AND UNAWARE! You know I have noticed in my own walk, that the devil tends to mess with me at