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When I first joined my church, my pastor mentioned a few times to us about SOUL TIES. It was a new term but not necessarily foreign, only because at that moment I felt as if I was tangled up in something. Something that I could not put a finger on. And so when my pastor described to us that SOUL TIES primarily result from engaging in sexual relationships with people who God hasn’t chosen for us, *coughFORNICATIONcough* I was dumbstruck. He also told us that when we have sex, there is a transference of spirits from one person to the next. Similar to when someone shakes hands with someone and germs transfer from one hand to another You can say that was my !AHA! moment. 

Needless to say it took me almost a WHOLE YEAR AND HALF to untangle myself from that SOUL TIE! That SOUL TIE might I add. had me so WRAPPED UP AND BOUND it wasn’t even funny yo! Then even after I was delivered, I found that I had scars, unhealed rope burns, and bruises on my spirit and they all were traced BACK TO THAT SOUL TIE! (talk about the STRUGGLE!)  You would think that after I became COMPLETELY FREE OF IT ALL, JESUS, that I would have LEARNED MY LESSON...WELP! I am here, almost 3 YEARS LATER, (wait for it------waaaait for it) STRUGGLING WITH ANOTHER ONE! Somebody throw your hands up and shout SON ON AN EGYPTIAN!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not as wrapped up as I was with the first one. And to be honest I didn’t know I was trapped until this year after experiencing MULTIPLE moves of God.  As I was enjoying the momentum I realized OMG I’m caught to something! Caught to someone else’s SOUL! I noticed that God was still moving however but suddenly I had slowed down, CONSIDERABLY. See SOUL TIES will do that to you and they have symptoms associated with them, such as bouts of DEPRESSION, anger, resentment, BITTERNESS, and UNFORGIVENESS

God created SEX and it was created for the sole purpose of procreation. Yes, for creating a FAMILY! Let’s take two LIKE MINDED people who were JOINED TOGETHER BY GOD, their spirits will inevitably intertwine and comingle. That’s just how it goes. BUT more than likely you won’t see any negative effects of this union because they were JOINED TOGETHER BY GOD! On the other hand, two people who weren’t JOINED TOGETHER BY GOD will see some effects shortly after they disconnect from each other. OH THEY WILL disconnect some way or another! Even if they don’t separate, they won’t be happy, because the symptoms of that SOUL TIE are festering and weirdly, holding them together. The Bible doesn’t specifically speak on SOUL TIES, but it does mention about the man and woman becoming ONE FLESH.                 

Genesis 2:24, KJV
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

This description of a man and woman becoming one flesh might I add is AUTOMATIC. With that being said, if two people can become one flesh, is it safe to assume that if these two parties separate, there will be some sort of residue left behind? Well, that residue is the SOUL TIE!  But look also at this revelation I discovered! I found that when two people who are joined together by their own FLESHLY DESIRES, not only do their spirits tangle like wet coarse hair, but depending on who was more in LUST, the flesh will dig its claws into the other person’s flesh, making it impossible then, for the SOUL TIE to be ignored. WHY? Because the one who's under the influence ot their flesh more is extremely INFACTUATED with the other person's flesh. This is probably the symptom I have witnessed personally to be the WORST of them all. That clawing hurts and its annoying! Just imagine a cat running its nails down your back. OUCH! >_< When the smoke clears, the dust settles, and there’s crop circles in the carpet of your sprit, (evidence that something was POPPIN’ but it AIN’T POPPIN’ no more), the party’s over but something is lingering, that SOUL TIE playa!

So how are you handling your SOUL TIE Tanzy Alexis? Well, because I know the kind of damage one can have on me, I have to take more extreme measures regardless of the extent of the SOUL TIE. In other words, honeybewise got to do what she got to do! I told you that it has SLOWED ME DOWN  and posed minor distractions and hinderances to my HUSTLE. SheMeHer ain't with that mayne! So I am traveling down a path of CONCECRATION. I will go into to detail about this path later, but I have one week left and I can see the rope untying. SINGING> Let the church say, 'Yeeeeees, yeeeeesss, yeeeeeesss, YEEEEEESSS!" Lol but I am oh so serious. I don't want to be bound a day longer. I am supposed be FREE. I can only accept being held captive by GOD and not no SOUL TIE! ---->>>>BOOM!


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