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Showing posts from July, 2013

A Season of Solitary Confinement

  So how are y’all hanging? Any new revelations been dropped since the last post? Are you still about that life though? You are? Good! I’m still about that life too but I have become aware of a certain situation I’m in now or maybe I should say SEASON. For the last few months or so, I have been feeling weirdly isolated. At first I would have an occasional bout of loneliness. But now the bouts have accelerated and things are becoming more NOTICABLE. Since my best friend, my most personal contact and only confidant, got married and moved to L.A last December I have been forced to experience being alone for longer periods of time. Don’t get me wrong, I have pretty much lived the life of a loner since as far back as I can remember. Nevertheless, I have always had at least one person in my corner to reach out to. But now my best friend is miles away nurturing her marriage. Moreover, God gave me an ultimatum, HIM OR ME. Only because I could NOT engage intimately with God until I b

Somebody Gotta DIE!

The HEAT IS ON , the pressure has been elevated, tensions are pressed, and the stakes are HIGH, JESUS ! And I'm in there like swimwear! What are you talking about Tanzy Alexis? Thanks for asking! I'm talking about THE STRUGGLE, THE GRIND, THE HUSTLE that comes with this walk of FAITH ! If there was ever a time for me to say that ISH has gotten REAL , then this is that time! But I was created for a time such as THIS and I will not give up! I will PRESS TOWARD THE MARK! KNOW DAT! Enough with all of my maniacal rambling, I must discuss the matter at hand. SOMEBODY GOTTA DIE! (In my Notorious B.I.G voice lol) One faithful Wednesday evening during bible study my wonderful pastor was talking to us about DIVINE DISTURBANCES and he must have mentioned that something in our lives would have to die in order for something NEW to be birthed in that season. I was standing in agreement with my pastor. But hear this, while I was nodding my head in agreement, I really truly believ

Being YOU!

 You ROCK! You are GREAT! You are BEAUTIFUL in all of your AWESOMENESS! Go run and look at yourself in the mirror really quick. Ok, you’re back! Catch your breath. Ok, you know that person that you just saw in the mirror? Well, that’s YOU and God made YOU just the way you are! I thought I would open up this post like that. You know why, because EVERYBODY is struggling with some kind of insecurity even the famous people. Really? Yes! Plastic surgeons, hairstylists, and makeup artists to the stars are being paid off of these people’s INSECURITIES. Whatever they don’t like about themselves, they PAY big bucks to have it changed. But you know what this does? It creates a toxic cycle of UNSATISFACTION. These people will never be completely satisfied with how they look because they’ve unknowingly conditioned themselves to believe that there will ALWAYS be something about them that needs to be fixed. Sad but true.  I’ve struggled with my own insecurities since I was thirteen. My insecu