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Showing posts from September, 2013

Your Heart App

This post is for anyone who’s in a rut right now, or feel as if they are stuck. Is it you? If God were to pay you a nice little ole visit to perform an audit on your life from January on up until now, what would He find? Would He find that you’ve been utilizing ALL of your gifts and talents? Would He find you to be more humble and selfless? Most importantly, would He find GROWTH? Where are you right now? What are you doing differently from last year? Have you started that business, wrote that book, lost that weight, found that new job? No? Are you even close? One day I was asking myself some of the same questions I’m asking you. The year is about to come to a close and a lot of things have changed for the better for me. But after setting dates for certain things to occur in my life to only find that those dates were catching up to me but I had nothing to give these dates, I started to get disappointed. After making a few bold declarations, I noticed that I was just filling my

Weeping May Endure for a Night...

I promised my life coach that I would write a post about a subject that spilled out of me during one of our sessions but everytime I started to do so, my spirit would be shifted in another direction. This is where I was lead, Tuesday night I cried myself to sleep, Friday night I cried, myself to sleep and Saturday night I cried myself to sleep. Mind you I have a birthday coming up. My book Tears of Kings is now available for anybody who likes to read. I'm free with no immediate worries. I may not have everything I want but I have everything I need. So why have I been crying so much? I mean I literally had to ask myself, "Are you bipolar or something, sweetie?" One day I'm doing cartwheels, singing in the rain, sliding down rainbows, chasing birds, and kissing flowers. Then the next day, I want to die! To make it worse, everywhere I turned I had the enemy irritating me. What gives? God has been doing an awesome job at getting me acquainted with how He works and i

The Cup

?QUESTION? If God were to invite you out to the theatre to see a movie about YOU and the next stage of your life with all of its ups and downs, would you want to see it? Let’s go deeper. If God were to hand you a script starring YOU and after reading that script you found out that you would be betrayed, hurt, lied on, and criticized before you got your blessing, would you want to be in that movie?  Let’s go even DEEPER! If God were to give you a cup full of tears, sleepless nights, lonely days, and told you to drink it BEFORE He blessed you, would you drink it? Just think about it for a hot second. I really enjoyed, the Bible miniseries the History channel hosted this past Easter. One of the main parts that stuck with me was when Jesus saw a glimpse of what He was getting ready to endure. At that moment as well as in the bible itself, we got to see the human aspect of Jesus. He told God (I’m paraphrasing), “Look, I saw what you have called me to do and I sa