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Man, can you believe it's DECEMBER ALREADY? Where has the year gone? Smh So did you guys enjoy Thanksgiving? How much did you eat? Lol. I enjoyed mines. Even though I haven't really been in the holiday spirits, I forced myself to at least be thankful for my family and my life period.

So yeah, this past weekend, I had the pleasure of hanging out with a friend to celebrate his birthday. I was actually super eager to have a reason to get out my castle on a Friday night. We went to a few spots, two of which were clubs. Let me tell you, I haven't been to a club in YEARS so I had to adjust my mindset for the environment. 

The music was LIVE and the people were vibing. It was cool minus the ass to shoulders crampness, HA! I was digging the scene with a gangsta lean Woop woop lol. Anywho, I allowed myself to be separated from the people I came with to mingle with people I didn't know from Eve or Adam. Chile BOOM! 

In one of the places, I kid you not, it was like the crowd of people dispersed when I came around. Lol The guys would stare but keep walking. The girls would compliment me on my hair, dress, and shoes, then keep walking. No one would really engage with me. No one would dance with me. No one would fist pump with me. I mean NO ONE!

So I did the math, Tanzy took a bath today. Tanzy's not sloppy drunk and beligerent. Tanzy is actually a bad mamajama that's out looking to have a gpod time just like everybody yo what's the problem?

Considering the fact that I experienced this at BOTH CLUBS, I'd concluded, Tanzy you're different! I'm different YEAH I'm different. In my 2Chainz voice lol. I was reminded about a conversation I had just a few days ago where I was sort of complaining about how it seems like I don't fit in anywhere and how I was starting to feel some type of way about it real talk! The person responded just like this, "Tanzy you're just going to have to understand, you're different. But that's ok. It's okay to be unique." 

Soaked that in not knowing that it would make even MORE since later. The reason people weren't vibing with me at the club is because they sensed I WAS NOT LIKE THEM! There was nothing I would have been able to do to change this. Listen, I've been in God's face for five years now and I've been literally hip to hip with Him for three out of those five years, you don't think anybody would notice? 

Yes them people NOTICED. They may not have been able to explain it or put a finger on it, but they NOTICED. They noticed that I was SET APART! 

2 Timothy 2:21 AMP

So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.

There's that phrase again SET APART. Did you know that this phrase is the defintion of the word SANCTIFIED? If you thought sanctify meant a STUCK UP CHURCH PERSON, I surely hate to burst your bubble my dear friend. Sanctify simply means you have been branded to be SET APART from the rest! 

In some instances, case in point MINES Lol you may feel like a pariah. But it's ok. This brand on you has served it's purpose. Look at it this way, it's like seeing a child that belongs to someone else, you will know they're the child of such and such because they RESEMBLE such and such. 

Same thing here. Depending on how much spiritual surgery you have undergone at the hands of God to make you look like Him, will determine what you look like and ultimately the reflection you give off to others. Thus the reaction that people will give to you. You feel me? 

It all has to do with where you are and the environment you're in. People will either be attracted to you and on the flipside people will detract from you. I was in two dark smokie clubs. I was like a mirror and a candle. Those people didn't want to be bothered with seeing any light or even worse mess around and see their reflection. The minute I walked into these places, I new I didn't belong there but I also knew I was strong enough to handle the situation only because I was SET APART. 


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