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Showing posts from August, 2014

Woman of God Stand Your Ground!

Isn't it funny how everything you stand for seems to come under attack all at once? For instance, it's easy to say, "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ," when everything is honky dory. But what will your reaction be, let's say in my case, when you get hit by a car on your way to work on a misty Monday morning? Laying on the wet street won dering why your entire right side of your body's not moving? What would your reaction be then?  Come back with me further to Friday though. What would your reaction be if you decided to meet God at a place you've met Him before, but you're followed by a serpent in the form of an attractive human saying all the right things?  What do you say? "Naw, I'm just playing. I'm not really about that righteous life." Or, "For God I live and for God I die."  Ladies this post is a challenge specifically directed to you! WOMAN OF GOD STAND YOUR GROUND!  I am aiming this post to my

I'm Friends with the Monster

So, I just used up two posts blasting the immature behaviors of petty Christians, thought I would have used a third post but I'm being led to speak on this; our monsters. Not the monsters we've called the ghostbusters on, the monsters we have become FRIENDS WITH. I actually mentioned in a recent post that we create our own monsters and wonder why we can't sleep at night. Those are the ones we actually are friends with. You may ask, "Well how I can be friends with something that I am afraid of?"  Easy. We have issues. Some more than other but the problem arises when we decide to eat sleep and kick it with these issues, using the played out, "God is still working on me." Or "I'm under construction," excuses. Really? How long are we going to keep those scaffolds attached to us? How long will we keep putting off the stone-washing and the replacem