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Woman of God Stand Your Ground!

Isn't it funny how everything you stand for seems to come under attack all at once? For instance, it's easy to say, "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ," when everything is honky dory. But what will your reaction be, let's say in my case, when you get hit by a car on your way to work on a misty Monday morning? Laying on the wet street won dering why your entire right side of your body's not moving? What would your reaction be then? 

Come back with me further to Friday though. What would your reaction be if you decided to meet God at a place you've met Him before, but you're followed by a serpent in the form of an attractive human saying all the right things? 

What do you say? "Naw, I'm just playing. I'm not really about that righteous life." Or, "For God I live and for God I die." 

Ladies this post is a challenge specifically directed to you! WOMAN OF GOD STAND YOUR GROUND! 

I am aiming this post to my sistas in Christ because the enemy came at us FIRST in the Garden of Eden. If the enemy can tear the woman down, he has complete rule over the man because she came from him. Do you understand that? 

It is paramount that we understand our role in the kingdom and also understand what we lose when we don't practice self control and stand our ground. We are not weak because we are of God. But we are naturally vulnerable because of the pitiful mistake of Eve. Please read my post The Curse of Eve which explains this more in detail. 

Anywho, woman of God stand your ground means you maintain your righteous stance in God no matter what. If you're single, pretend you are already taken with an entire family. You have to protect that. You have to remain focused on the path ahead and faithful to the will of God. Your future is dependent on this. So don't get distracted. Especially when the going gets tough and the fire begins to blaze! 

Look, on Friday I'd had a conversation with someone about distractions. Very in depth conversation that carried over until the late evening. After the conversation, God told me that He wanted to meet with me at the Japanese garden and I was geeked. As I sat on my bike preparing myself to leave, out of nowhere I hear a voice, "You ready?" 

I looked behind me and to my surprise a very handsome man creature on a bike, smiling like a Cheshire cat, was looking dead in my direction. My spirit immediately told me who he was, "He's a serpent."
I smiled back because I already knew what he was sent in my way for. To distract me of course 

He followed me to the garden and out of his mouth came syrupy words of flattery and other poisonous compliments about how he was drawn to me, there was something unique about me, and I was placed in his path for a reason. Blah right? 

I continued to listen to him as I sat on a rock sitting in the water. He wanted me to come sit with him on a rock stationed in the ground. I told him to come sit with me. He refused and said he was afraid of the water. My spirit translated that he was afraid of "The Rock and the Living Water." Ha! Check it! The more I engaged in his premeditated foolery, the more comfortable he became. Matter of fact, the more bold he became. He got up after numerous attempts to get me off the rock, and pulled me off of it. This is when his mask of false pretenses came off. 

He started to compliment my outer beauty and then went so far as to fondle me. NO GO! Ladies there's something that you MUST understand. The more time you sit at God's feet, the more of His glory you receive. That glory combined with your natural aura results in an allure that attracts men of God and men of the world. The men of the world however, won't be able to control themselves around you. Because they can't put a finger on you since it's more than just sex appeal. Either way, you must harness this allure!


I don't care how handsome he is. What scriptures he quote. How much he talks about helping the youth, feeding the hungry, and saving cats. I don't care. You stay focused enough to read him like the new AND old testament! You cling to your Heavenly Father as if there is no tomorrow! You feed your faith with His word until it begins to spew out of your mouth effortlessly. You hear me? If you are proclaiming the gospel and being a living sacrifice, YOU MUST STAND YOUR GROUND and not waver for anything. This is not a game! And this is no time to get caught up in your feminine emotions!

Back to the serpent, it took some finagling to get away from him moreso because I had to CONVINCE my flesh we did not belong there and the party was over with before it'd begun. Really? Yes! I haven't been completely alone or with a man in 18 months (and counting) so in other words the struggle was real honey! Needless to say, I hopped on my bike and was out of there! Trust, God will always make a way of escape for you in those situations. You just have to be sober enough in the spirit to recognize it. Don't get intoxicated with your own desires and lust!


Scriptures says, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard."Isaiah 59:19 What's the standard you ask? "I am the way the truth and life..." John 14:6 If the enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy but the spirit of the Lord which also should be resting inside of you, lifts up the way, the truth, and life, you are COVERED. Yet, you are only covered when you, STAND YOUR GROUND! This post is not for those strags hopping fences with no clue as to where they're going or what they're doing. This is for my sistas that are trying to get it right this time around. You have a lot banking on your obedience. Don't be thirsty.


So yeah, I did mention that I was hit by a car on Monday. I am OK folks. My ankle is jacked for the moment and I have to use a walker. But all is well. This chick is still on a mission to do what thus sayeth the Lord. HALLELUJAH! However, I have to fight to stay positive. Because how many of you know, the hardest war to wage is that of the mind! Pray for me as I pray for you. 

Oh, and another thing, the serpent told me that he belonged to numerous churches and considered himself a "Bishop". He claimed he's responsible for "helping" churches. I wholeheartedly believe he makes specific stops to churches to distract WOMEN OF GOD! Ladies please be cautious and careful when it comes to your heart and your walk in God. It's time to put on your big girl panties, bottle up your emotions, and WOMAN UP! You have a war to fight. Your cute face and that 'bright future" behind you, ain't gone cut it! 



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