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I'm Friends with the Monster

So, I just used up two posts blasting the immature behaviors of petty Christians, thought I would have used a third post but I'm being led to speak on this; our monsters. Not the monsters we've called the ghostbusters on, the monsters we have become FRIENDS WITH. I actually mentioned in a recent post that we create our own monsters and wonder why we can't sleep at night. Those are the ones we actually are friends with.

You may ask, "Well how I can be friends with something that I am afraid of?" 

Easy. We have issues. Some more than other but the problem arises when we decide to eat sleep and kick it with these issues, using the played out, "God is still working on me." Or "I'm under construction," excuses. Really? How long are we going to keep those scaffolds attached to us? How long will we keep putting off the stone-washing and the replacement of that bad concrete surrounding our temples?

It's time to face these monsters. Stop being a Marg and Homer Wimpson and confront these monsters. They only have the power YOU GAVE THEM. I am officially telling you to growup and I'm pulling the security blanket out of your hands. You should be holding onto God anyway. He's your security blanket. 

Oh, I hear you now saying, "My monsters aren't mean. I can tolerate them." Sure you can and the more you tolerate the more you stagnate. You ain't going nowhere until you're willing to evict these pity party friendly demons out of your life!

I'm reminded of the movie "Beloved", when the main character played by Oprah Winfrey allowed a demon (Thandi Newton) from her past to live with her. She'd never really confronted it, which is why it was grown. She thought she could love it and feed it. But no!!! It was never satisfied and it begin to drive her crazy! I don't want to spoil the movie if you haven't seen it but she had to confront it in order to get it out of her house!.

And that's what I'm saying, you can't be friends with your monsters. They are draining you and they block you from receiving what's good and perfect from God. If they're anything like the monsters I was friends with, they will tell you lies like, "You don't deserve it." and "You're not worth it."

Your monsters are friends with the enemy! And they came from all of your past decisions and life occurrences that you never fully came to terms with. They are a part of the seedy residue found caked up in the sewers of your past. Stop handing out "Woe is Me" flyers to people so that they can come play with you and your pretty demons and get rid of them for good! 

Get delivered! Be free! Kings and Queens thou art loosed! 

Galatians 5:1 GNTD

Freedom is what we have—Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.


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