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Showing posts from December, 2014

Waiting for What?

In three weeks, I will be celebrating two years of holding myself pure until marriage. After making this declaration twice before (and failing of course), during my six year relationship with God, I will say this time around, I have learned so much about myself, so much about relationships and the opposite sex, but most importantly so much about God. He is sooooo freaking amazing y'all. As I forced the things that are natural to take a back seat, God pulled the things that are supernatural to the front. And I have been truly blessed by this. I learned exactly why I failed those previous times at remaining pure! You see, I had placed a heavy emphasis on abstaining for the one I didn't know and not enough emphasis on THE ONE I DO KNOW. Do you get that? When you decide to abstain for your future mate, you put yourself at risk for all types of unecessary temptation and unwanted distractions. Suddenly, everyone you meet is your "POTENTIAL SPOUSE," even the c

Nobody's Perfect

Philippians 3:12 "Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus." Understand this people, nobody's perfect! Just because you decided to give your life over to God, doesn't mean you will suddenly walk away PEEFECT. Your imperfections, character flaws, and personality issues actually will be put on blast!  I'm afraid the influx of social media attention we have experienced has caused perfection to book appearances everywhere. Don't let social media fool you. You know what else I found out, the ones who choose to limit what they share are the ones that seem perfect. And I'm one of them. I'm not perfect. I have panic attacks when I'm stressed. I throw tantrums when something don't seem right. I get depressed when I don't feel appreciated. I get depressed when I'm