In three weeks, I will be celebrating two years of holding myself pure until marriage. After making this declaration twice before (and failing of course), during my six year relationship with God, I will say this time around, I have learned so much about myself, so much about relationships and the opposite sex, but most importantly so much about God.
He is sooooo freaking amazing y'all. As I forced the things that are natural to take a back seat, God pulled the things that are supernatural to the front. And I have been truly blessed by this. I learned exactly why I failed those previous times at remaining pure! You see, I had placed a heavy emphasis on abstaining for the one I didn't know and not enough emphasis on THE ONE I DO KNOW.
Do you get that? When you decide to abstain for your future mate, you put yourself at risk for all types of unecessary temptation and unwanted distractions. Suddenly, everyone you meet is your "POTENTIAL SPOUSE," even the conceited jerkwod, or vain humblebrag. I forget to mention that you also run the risk of being utterly disappointed when you attract just what you've been fantasizing and find out he/she could care less about your purity values. If you're not strong enough you WILL compromise those values and satisfy that person because, "OH,THIS PERSON LOOKS LIKE THE PERSON I'VE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT!"
Chile boom! Have a few seats. I've experienced everything previously mentioned which leads me here, WAITING FOR WHAT?
I enjoy hearing other women talk about there plight of purity that is until I hear, "Saving myself for my Boaz." (Dry heaving) "I'm faithful to my future husband." (I'm guilty)
I don't really hear guys speak openingly about these things. Which is an intriguing phenomenon. Hmmm...remind me to investigate that further. lol
Anywho, Matthew 6:33 says this; "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
What are these things you ask? You would have to read a few passages before this one. Hate to admit it to you though, it does not include that significant other you're so inherently saving yourself for.
I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, darling. I'm trying to SHIFT your focus. Yup, God said in the book of Genesis, in my best Morgan Freeman voice, "It is not good for man to be alone." Let's keep it real saints, he was talking to Adam who didn't have any one of his kind to kick it with.
Now Earth is filled with a whole bunch of funny looking human beings that can kick it. However, it's not really a necessity that we comingle and marry one of these human beings. IT IS, a necessity that we SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
You shouldn't be waiting on anything but the SECOND COMING. You shouldn't be saving yourself for no one BUT GOD. You shouldn't declare purity for no other reason but to remain connected to our most gracious and heavenly Father. For we know not the hour or the day says Matthew 25:12. We're going to have to stay CONNECTED by any means necessary, to get instructions and guidance on how to maneuver as a believer in this dark, cold, world.
1 Corinthians 7:8
I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
Here's the news, one half of you who are reading this WILL be getting married in the near future, The other half of you WILL NOT! Did you notice that I didn't say, "UNFORTUNATELY?" Because God is going to set it up in way that you won't be too bummed out about the set up. The reason that I'm trying to get you to shift your thinking is because I don't want you to fall into this "Woe is me, I'm waiting for nothing!" mindset.
To reiterate myself, you're waiting for GOD whether you're getting married or NOT! God told me that this next huge round of marriages will be KINGDOM SPECIFIC marriages. And they will be planted in differents places of the world. These unions will be like mini armies created to fight everything that the enemy has assigned to come against God's people.
This is a lot to take in I know. And I don't want to discourage you one bit! I want you to see how important it is that we remain FOCUSED. I need you to utilize your purity for much greater causes. You can do a lot of things in the kingdom! One of them involves you talking to GOD without static! You will know what the deal is with your love life. He may tell you now. He may tell you later. AND, He will give you peace either way. So don't even worry about if you're apart of the WILL BE OR THE WON'T BE. Focus yourself on making sure you're named in the BOOK OF LIFE.
Need I explain myself any further?
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