Even with life and all of its contraptions, complexities, perplexing corners, and daring turns and plot twists, I believe I've discovered it can actually be placed into two categories or situations. One night, I saw a vision of a child playing with a silver slinky and it was going back and forth in his hands. Imagine one end of that slinky says, "I don't want this to end." and the other side of that slinky says, "I can't wait until this is over." These are the two situations I've summed life up to be. Moments full of pure bliss and moments of heart wrenching angst. Moments where life just seems to get a little easier and moments where life seems to get much harder.
How does a believer justify their faith when a season or two of their lives can be compared to a pinata being hit multiple times? How does a believer keep their eyes on the God who seemed like they could feel His breath on their face during the good days but can't seem to get a word from Him during the bad days?
In my nine years of being saved, I've noticed that my night seasons shook hands with my faith, giving it permission to grow my faith for the next night season that I would ultimately face. Had I not stood firm in my faith while experiencing the type of pain I would come to know in one season, my faith would not have matured to a level strong enough to withstand another season in the dark.
As believers we have to understand that this place we live in is NOT HEAVEN. Therefore we are going to have some problems. Many problems might I add. We also have to understand that just because we have God does not mean life will suddenly throw away its calling cards. Having God arms and equips us for everything life has to throw at us but it doesn't mean we won't get hit from time to time. Believe it or not, those blows are the moments where God's face is most prominent. Matter of fact, I saw His face during every attack, during every blow to my belly and chest and face. He was there taking them hits with me!
Listen, this is why a lot of people haven't seen Him and don't believe in Him, because somewhere down the line they drank down this notion that He would magically stop life from being a bully and that all their problems would just go away if they gave their life to Him in the front of a bunch of church folk. They try to avoid pain at every cost or sedate it with poisonous worldly antidotes. #Negative. Life isn't the bully, satan is! Don't be mistaken. Life is just being life! You don't mute life when you welcome God into your personal space. You actually welcome life to turn up the volume. #Sidebar SOME harsh seasons will fall into the law of sowing and reaping which I may expound on, at a later date. This post however, I would like to focus my attention on the people who may be experiencing something right now that has caught them off guard in a bad way and can't recall why, yet more so they're beginning to question God's existence.
Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
If you look all throughout scripture you will find verses for the brokenhearted, verses for the wounded, verses for the depressed and mourning, verses for the persecuted, etc. Which means, God knew that at some point in your life you would be heartbroken, wounded, depressed, mourning, and/or persecuted. So why wouldn't He inspire and ordain scribes to include these messages within His word?
I can not promise you that this life will always be copacetic even while in God. I'm not going to lie to you actually. You're going to experience moments where you want to scream your lungs out, cry your eyes blood shot red, punch a wall or what not. (I would suggest you just punch a whole bunch of pillows so you don't hurt your hand. Lol) Life will be unfair. But I can firmly attest to this, God in all of His mysterious magnificence, will if you let Him, grab you during a hell storm, cover you with a blanket of peace that surpasses all understanding, and selflessly bless you with the type of wisdom that can steer you whether in the spirit or the natural to places where healing and deliverance can be administered to you. Why? Because He loves you madly and cares about your heart, mind, and soul.
If you are reading this, I pray that you continue to hold on to God, beloved no matter what. He knows every key note in your sobs and the weight of your tears. You don't have to pretend like you're strong and have it all together at this time. He says,"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy with burdens, come!" Take off the mask. Pull off all pretenses and just lay at His feet. Forget what everyone else is saying including your cliche' based believing, half believing and non-believing counterparts and LAY AT HIS FEET. It's about you and how life at this moment is dealing with you. Let God step in.
Listen to this while you move out of your own way.
God Is Number One
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