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Showing posts from February, 2018

God Is That You?

Isaiah 30:21  And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. We're living in a day and age where there's so many things grasping for our attention and our ears, it would be a good idea to learn how to turn everything down to hear God's voice for ourselves. It's actually God's desire that we are able to hear Him and hear Him all the time. The universe in itself is a prime example of how much God has to say, considering when He created everything, He did so with His spoken words.  The very first time I heard God's voice, was when I was 13 years old. I'd been taking a nap when I heard, "Get up!" No one was home, so I knew it wasn't my parents or my siblings speaking. Somehow in my adolescence my spirit immediately came into agreement with it telling me to get up not from my natural nap but my spiritual slumber! But because I was not in

Forget Me Not

This weekend was no short of amazing! I was able to satiate my action hero appetite with a dope Marvel film; Black Panther . I love action films, so I was going to see this movie regardless of its hype and fanfare. My eagerness was warranted as the movie lived up to my personal expectations. And of course, I was able to find some very beautiful symbols in the film that I may expound on at a later time. Though I was pleased with this movie, there was a keynote struck that I won't necessarily say I didn't like, I'm just worried it has the potential to act as a form of metabolic acidosis in the kingdom for the curious, immature and wayward believer. Metabolic acidosis is caused when cells throw off the chemical balance in the blood making it more acidic. As if the kingdom needs anymore acid/poison  So what was the keynote? ---))) Ancestral worship or the worship of ancestors.  Now, I myself have seen this practice low-key celebrated by the "Conscious/#StayWoke,&qu

It's Just An Illusion

"Danger is real. But fear is a choice." *After Earth* This has to be one of my favorite movies of all time featuring Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. It's literally about this young man's courageous quest to get him and his father back home after being the only survivors in a spacecraft crash. I believe this movie will remain my favorite because of all of the amazing messages I was able to catch spread out throughout the entire film. Some were low-key and others were more obvious including this short piece about fear.  There are things that we are afraid of which we build habits around to avoid. Then there are things that we fear of which paralyzes and makes us immobile. But what if I told you fear was just an illusion? Look above these words and the film attached to this post, at the black and white image. What do you see?  Two identical male profiles? A fancy chalice? A candle holder? A lamp stand? It all really depends on how you look at it

Strawberry Crush

Have you ever developed a crush for someone? How did you feel? How did you respond to this feeling? Did you challenge it? Did you explore it? Did it ever go away?  I remember my first crush. I was in first grade when I met Calvin. He was the cutest light bright I'd ever seen. My teacher caught on and would actually allow us to sit together. We would enjoy our innocent times, him making me laugh and me sharing my snacks. I loved him before I even knew what love was. But Calvin was a bad boy. He got in trouble a lot. I would take up for him too. But one day I would not be able to see him again because he moved away and transferred to another school. My heart was torn in half as I would miss him for a while.  That was about 24 years ago. Since then I've had a few crushes. None of them really went anywhere but to a disappointing dead end. Which has provoked me to seek understanding of what does "having a crush," really mean. In all honesty, having a crush on so