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Lethal Weapons

I remember one day at work sometime last year, I was sitting at my cubicle minding my own business when I caught a very pungent smell. I asked my colleagues if they'd smelled it. They asked me to explain the smell. I told them it smelled like a possum. Of course they all laughed. I laughed too though. Because I've never actually smelled a possum a day in my 31 years of living to know its scent. However, this creature was the first thing that came to mind. Needless to say, my colleagues carried on an entire drawn out but funny conversation about what a possum could smell like. All the while my nostrils continued to be arrested and harassed by this stench. 

A little later, I heard another colleague on the opposite side of the office chatting with someone. And I specifically heard him say, "I decided to get back into working out again. I brought my gym bag with me so that I can go straight to the gym after work."
My eyes lit up! Imagine my excitement upon hearing this! I did the math and came to the conclusion that it was not a possum I smelled but a gym bag potentially holding some sweaty stank gym shoes. Ha! 

I definitely rejoiced. Yet, my pleasure was muffled when I'd accepted the fact that I would be stuck with this awful smell until we all ended our assignments for the day. Fortunately, he did not bring that gym bag back into the building any days after because on top of the hilarious knee slapping conversation held by my colleagues over the smell, apparently I'd made up so much of a fuss, he had no choice but to leave that thing at home! 

More often than not, I tend to wonder how many times has God ever caught a bad smell coming from us. I've wondered how many times has God had to search through the members of the body of Christ to inquire scents opposite of a sweet fragrance? I wonder this because when it comes to some of His sons and daughters, some tend to have smelly dispositions and stank habits that I myself find off putting. #Sidebar You can consider this the sister post of (Sniff Sniff) "What is that I smell?" #CARNALITY!!!!. Read that post at your leisure and understand that since another angle of a similar topic is being discussed in this hour, it's safe to assume God is trying to get your attention.

Anyhow, it amazes me how many believers are virtually ill prepared or even ill informed when it comes to the weapons that have been drafted to come up against us. There is a certain ignorance like leukemia eating at the bone marrow of the body of Christ making us susceptible to the devices and lethal weapons of the enemy. 

 I'm moved to inform you that these weapons are more sophisticated and subversive. They show up in our personalities as well, once again as stated in a previous post, as a result of our refusal to get a proper understanding of God's word. 

These weapons appear as such;

We soak in our dysfunction hiding behind our titles in the name of the gifts of the spirit. We make immature moves and irrational decisions then call it Holy Spirit. We go before the people of God or make these grandiose social media statuses that are blatant cries for help and prayer requests disguised as "testimonies." We build platforms and create followings pasted together by the spirit of offense. We operate in the spirit of jealousy casting stones at our fellow siblings of God and call it wisdom and seasoning. We refuse and reject accountability yet call it being bold in God.

We shush humility, biting the hands that feed us. We cough up and spit out sound doctrine by arguing against it with our own stale views and rigid opinions. We suck on the teats of golden calves, kiss the feet of Baal, chase after Mammon, running after attractive distractions, sedating problems with temporary carnal solutions, posturing ourselves toward prideful pursuits, and arrogantly taking account for God's exploits. We gossip and call it ministry. We control, abuse, and manipulate but call it mentoring, fathering, or pastoring. We steal and connive calling it favor. We throw tantrums and call it righteous indignation. We force things and call it perseverance. We make excuses for our active sins and prolong healing with, "God has me on the potter's wheel." We shirk responsibilities and pull out of commitments allowing our immaturity to rear its ugly head. 

I'm not done!

We would rather look important than to be holy (set a part for sacred use). We would rather be popular than to be righteous (in right standing with God). We would rather be seen with influential people than to be associated as a God chaser. We would rather have a big name than to submit to the One who's name is above ALL names. We plagiarize the word of God. We villianize the son God. We override the spirit of God. And we make ourselves, GOD!

Can you see how these weapons are to our detriment? And can you see how these weapons can give off a stench that offends God's nostrils? 
These are the most used self-defeating weapons the enemy likes to pull from because they're not as expensive to his kingdom of darkness. Instead of deploying some of his high ranking officials and risking you annihilating them, he'd rather purposely incite a riot among the undelivered parts of you so that you may implode. 

2 Corinthians 10:4-5
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to  destroy strongholds.
We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We 
capture their 
rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.

You see, we have to be a people highly motivated to aggressively come after the parts of us that makes us stink to God, the parts of us that will prefer not to submit to Christ. It's going to require blood and sacrifice. It's going to require prayer and fasting because some of these things will not be disarmed without consecration and the denial of flesh. This is only going to be a struggle for the people who think Christianity is like an outfit that you can put on for Easter. This is only going to be a struggle for the part-time and lukewarm believers who don't believe Christianity is a LIFESTYLE. 

We've been hiding behind our fig leaves for far too long, protecting the parts of us that need to be exposed and burned! 

Come from around those bushes of deception and release those crusty fig leaves from your grip! Get naked and vulnerable before your God so that the weapons of your warfare be activated and used against the one who's been pretending to be your friend this whole time, your flesh! 
Your flesh needs to be violated on sight! That's why you need to surrender, today!



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