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The Usual Suspects

Well Happy Wednesday beautiful people! It is officially the last week of the first quarter 
of what was considered a new year. Question? After what month is the year no longer considered new? Hmmm....

Moving right along, if you're reading this and you don't know me personally when I tell you this, I love movies! I like getting some snacks and watching a good ole movie. Aside from an action film, I preferably gravitate towards suspense thrillers. You know like the, "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," "Gone Girl," or "Inception." The ones that grip you by the collar and makes you think afterwards or even cause you to gasp before the credits roll up. 
The clip above comes from a movie called, "The Usual Suspects," it happens to be a combination of both, but it was released in the 90s. 

While many kids my age at the time were scraping knees and eating mud pies, I was in the house watching movies like these. Because I was always weird so don't judge me. But this clip would be the beginning climax of the film that if you didn't pay close attention to the entire film, you would miss the essence of this particular part. However, what this character stated about the devil, would forever stick with me,         
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world, he didn't exist."
I never would have thought that this statement would morph itself into like a cacophony of hell's most maddening tunes. 


I've been made aware of a certain mindset or ideology flocked to by the wayward, immature, and the unbeliever. Ignorance, <there's that word again, is it's underbelly of course. It's the thought process that THE DEVIL IS NOT REAL. And if the believer is not grounded and careful, he or she will be challenged by this notion to be knocked off key. 

I figured it out, if the devil can make you believe that he doesn't exist, then he can erect this boastful claim that God does not exist. It's his remixed version of the first temptation in the Garden of Eden, "God did not say you would surely die, did He?" mixed with your impressionable curiosity, (an automatic effect from the first man's partaking of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) that results to you questioning what you believe altogether. It's his hope that you eventually yet ultimately be moved NOT to believe period. Because you don't need to BELIEVE that the devil is real in order to walk in his ways. 
The prerequisite is UNBELIEF!

Isaiah 14:12
How you are fallen from heaven,
 O Lucifer, son of the morning! 
How you are cut down to the ground,
 You who weakened the nations!” 

Listen, Prophet Isaiah said this part right before he came all the way for Lucifer's head and mentioned how the people would view him, ridiculing him for being kicked out of heaven and basically disputing the fact that he even has any authority or power whatsoever. So now, satan is scratching and sampling with his non-original self. He's magnifying and compounding the questioning of his own existence banking off the fact that we still inherently have these rebellious KG&E tree remnants in our makeup, to turn around and question the existence of the One who says He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I really pray this makes sense! 

A people who have no firm concept, better yet even, an elementary understanding that there is a ferocious battle between light and darkness over our souls, will treat life as a buffet where you can eat whatever you want with no consequences and repercussions. The buffet is none other than a plethora of many little powerless, inanimate gods, and godless rituals and behaviors.

Right now, real time, LIVE, I have someone in my family, I literally just found this out, who has built a whole shrine in their home to a deceased relative. Yes, an obituary surrounded by candles, some strange herbs, food, random memorabilia, containers of urine, (don't ask), and they pray to it, and they summons it, and conjure! Why? Because they don't believe this is demonic. Because to them they've mentioned, demons are not real, satan is not real, and therefore God is not real. I'm seeking God's face in this hour to receive my next marching orders. I want to know is this my assignment or is it not? Is this person merely a reprobate or are they simply lost? There is a difference. The reprobate, God gave over to their depraved minds. The lost He goes after. Every warrior needs to know this before going after dragons!

Needless to say, the usual suspect here, people of God, will not look like a gargoyle with a terrible looking face, long talons, wings and horns. The usual suspect is indeed quite cunning and congenial. Crafty and low-key conspiring. He's not just an actual living breathing person but a personification of lust, lies, fairy-tales, fantasies, distractions confusion and discombobulation. He's been showing up a lot via the greatest platform that could have ever been given to him; social media. Be wary of these live videos, short films, articles, and statuses, memes, pages, and ads etc. I see him so raw. He does these sporadic look at me campaigns. "Come look at me! Look what I have to say!" "Yes believe the lies!" "Yes get hyped and mischievous!" "Yes make sin from your anger!" "That's right curse God!" "That's right turn away from Him!' 'It's OK to worship yourself."

Remember this, Lucifer- means bearer of light, morning star which was satan's given name until he was evicted out of his divine jurisdiction. It is his characteristic to try and "outshine," God the best way he can. He gives himself up in this method of a perverted sacrifice with the sole intent to gain you. Look at that, that's even generic! Can't you see, beloved? I want you to remember this the next time you hear something exalting itself against the knowledge of God with lofty ideas and theologies swaying people away from the love, the Son, the way, and the truth of God.

I want you to remember this the next time you feel anxious, agitated, or your hearts' gripped by sudden fear, IT'S HIM, satan! When you feel tempted to back out, to disappear, to give up, or give in, serve something else other than God, IT'S HIM, satan! Stop looking for this slimy minion to come out from under your bed or out of your closet. The movies that portray him as such, are fallacies, but guess what, he's behind the fallacies! Satan has never went anywhere. And he can't go anywhere because he has a final destination. (Revelations 20:10) So anybody that wants to claim he doesn't exist and teach this claim until their faces turn blue, just belongs to the union for the workers of iniquity! This isn't a post to make you fearful of the devil, to get you to make an idol out of spotting him, but a post to get you acquainted with the fact that you DO have an adversary like a prowling lion who is seeking whom he may devour. Choose this day whom ye will serve, God says. 

In the coming days, God is going to keep drawing an evident line as satan revs up another round of his look at me campaigns. Heads up, the pendulum of attention is about to swing it's way back towards the Church and she will be put on blast again. Hate to say this, but it's necessary. I pray you know WHO you should have as your covering. 



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