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Psalm 105:15 
Saying, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. 

Though I would consider myself now, to be a full blown believer, that wasn't always the case for me. Before I cared anything about God, I was straight hood. Listen, BabyPhat used to be my favorite brand. #DontJudgeMe On top of that, I was very flip at the lip. I used to curse my girlfriends out in public. Me and their boyfriends stayed beefing. You couldn't tell me anything. When the rapper Lil Scrappy came out with No Problems and Triville with Neva Eva, I personally made both of them my anthem songs. This was my attitude, "Come for me and mines, OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" 

When I got saved, this mentality never really changed. My salvation simply added garnishments to my crappy attitude problem. I was still getting into it with people but they were fellow Christians, like senior saints, (I even ran up in a mother's face one time.), as well as sisters and brothers in Christ. That feistiness in me was eventually tapered when God made me realize it was only pride and pain wrapped in a false sense of security. 

Then, two years ago while under some aggressive seasons of deliverance, I realized I'd developed a thrill for proving people wrong. I would purposely look for the most controversial comments in public posts and shut it down. Some were for the reason of pointing people in the right direction and sending them to God. Most, I have to be honest, were for me. Why? To make myself feel good. To tote my wisdom like a badge. My stance had morphed into, "Come for me and mines, OFF WITH YOUR EAR!"  

This year, God has been intentionally dealing with my reactions and responses to things that I deem annoying, irritating, or infuriating which has involved periodic heart checks and intermittent fasting. Let's just say, I feel like I've been constantly reintroduced to my reflection and have been fasting all year! Taming my spicy tongue has proven to be a rather challenging task. It's a daily process. 

Yet enough about me. 

I want to expound on a common misconception in the body Christ. It's this notion that one can so casually put their mouths on people they know nothing or very little about and having no fear that their words will come back to them. If scripture says that God's words will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11) , what does that say about ours, rather good or bad?

    Proverbs 18:21 
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

I've actually encountered some very cocky and arrogant believers riding off of the premise of Psalm 105:15, because they think that they are the only one's who are anointed, prophetic, and or gifted with some level of graduated wisdom. Also failing to realize that there's more of them, from where they came from! I blame social media. It's shrunk many people's perceptions and perspectives, making them very small minded people with big opinions.

I remember someone I served under faithfully some odd years back, shared that she was glad she was was the CHOSEN ONE

And when I tell you, she always quoted Psalm 105:15  but she treated everyone terribly including me. I for a while begin to harbor resentment for this particular scripture. It didn't seem fair that a witchalina could be more protected than her victims based off of the guise of her calling herself a prophetess. That is until after releasing myself from her reign of terror over my life, had I begin to catch wind that her actions and evil words were coming back with a vengeance.

As believers, especially leaders, we need to practice self control over our mouths. Half the time we're speaking on things we have no complete knowledge of or better yet, full sound understanding about. Other times we pompously place our whole mouths on people who do not even match our pay grade. 

We are vicious, unrelenting, highly judgmental people of God.  Some of us have rendered premature verdicts for people from a place of religion and don't even know it. We don't believe in extending grace to others. But we will turn around and have the unmitigated gall to expect a lifetime supply of grace to be granted to us. Wow! 

What if I told you that the people you are most intimidated or disgusted by are those people whom God holds a high regard for? And if they hold any kind of position, chances are His eyes are heavy on them. So he doesn't need your stale puffed up commentary! What if I told you that He's watching closely to how you even handle those you think are "below" you? Because it's how you treat the least of these... 

God doesn't take kind to children in Christ speaking ill of other siblings. Prime example in the 12th book of Numbers Miriam and Aaron, the brother and sister of Moses begin to talk bad about him because of his decision to marry a certain type of woman. It says in the 9th verse that God's anger burned against the both of them so much so after God allowed a protective cloud to depart from the tent, Miriam's skin reacted and erupted into leprosy. Not sure why she caught it worse than Aaron but if I were to assume, last week I mentioned how the woman of God was formed by more of God's word. Could it be that after God lifted the cloud, (His grace) her flesh (His word) had an allergic reaction to the toxic talk? #Shooketh

I'm trying to warn you to be careful how you handle your tongue as it pertains to anyone and anything! For in the coming days, no one will be exempt from their characters being exposed for what they really are as a result of the type of words they've spit out on others. Those who are actively abstaining from the careless whispers and mindless tailbearing need not worry. Stay the course. But God is going to grip the lives of every single last person who's using His scriptures to abuse people, using their gifts to bulldoze others, throwing stones at people in their human, and murdering people with their mouths. We're going to see much quicker returns on our words than ever before.   

You need to repent now! 

God will not despise a broken spirit and contrite heart. (Psalm 51:17) He will acknowledge your sincerity immediately to create in you a clean heart and renew in you a right spirit. After He's done with you, you should be more likely to cover your bretheren in love and prayer. Listen, if your opinions about someone, especially publicized ones will not profit the kingdom, KEEP IT! Oh, we are so guilty of shelling out high-priced words that have not built up anything or anyone in the kingdom but instead it has all turned into litter! 

Well, God is about to regulate the word banks of all His friends. If you do not consider yourself one of His enemies, then congratulations! You're one of His friends, of whom I need to stipulate, will be held to a high standard. You can't be one of His friends and a litterbug at the same! His chastening is swiftly approaching! Needless to say, you don't have to adhere to my warning though. I am but a worm. You can wing it from here if you'd like. Let me know how that works out for you. 

#TransparentMoment: One day I was standing at the train station when I saw this homeless man I see often actually, walking my way. I thought to myself, 'How much do you want to bet, he's going to come and stand by me knowing he smells like death!" Guess what? That's exactly what he did. My nostrils were quickly inflamed by his body odor that of course had been fermenting in the summer's heat. I held my breath from time to time as not to inhale the stench and continued to murmur about him. 

Then he got closer to me. I looked at his smooth dark skin. His matted dreads were wrapped up with a thin dirty garment. For a minute, his shadow on the ground made it appear as if he was wearing a crown. He looked at me and gave me a childlike smile. That did it! My heart broke in half! I was convicted so bad. I repented and dug into my cargo bag to find my wallet. Before the train came I handed him the first bill I grabbed. It was $5. If you're not aware, the number 5 biblically symbolizes, catch this, GRACE. When I got on the train, there was a poster above the window in front of me that read, "Put yourself in their shoes."  

I remember, last year at a conference I attended, an apostle said something profound that stuck with me. He said, "People who don't believe that they need to extend grace to others are people who don't think that they'll ever make any mistakes." In my opinion, that's a very risky place to put yourself. You're Man! You're not Jesus. Your human will make a cameo every so often. Why not make a practice of refraining from being a person who wants the benefits of living in Graceland but don't want to maintain your place thereby covering your mouth? I must inform you that there are two-way streets in the land 
of grace
Not one.


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