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!!!!Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Psalm 9:1
I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Isn't it a great day to be alive and well in the land of the living to celebrate another Thanksgiving? 
Did I just rhyme? 

Anywho, there will be no blog post for this week. 
I know. I know! 

Since you're here though, I would like to remind you guys to 
LIVE in this present moment. 
Some of you may have had a rockier year than others which has forced you to be pressed for days that have not come yet or mourning over days that have already passed. 

Hear me, 
Which means nothing that transpired yesterday could stop you and anything that is scheduled for tomorrow shouldn't shake you because it has not been introduced to your hardcore demon slaying self! 

You're a beast! You're killing it! You're going to keep killing it! 
Through all that has tried to break you down this year, you've managed to stay standing. 
Be proud of that!
And be thankful that you serve a God that has never left you nor forsaken you! 
I pray you can count your blessings and thank God for them today! 

Special prayers going out to those who've lost close loved ones. 
My deepest condolences to you. I do not necessarily know what it's like to lose someone like a mother, father, sister, brother, son, or daughter. 
I do pray for your healing and that you're able to heal healthily. 
Don't rush your healing for no one. 
Breathe and grieve. 
Seek help if it gets too heavy for you.
I pray that the memories of your loved one brings you joy and not sorrow. 
I pray also for God's comfort over you and your family in this time especially if you lost a close relative this year. 

At the end of the day, I want to believe that we all have something to be thankful for, today. 
So let us take this day on the eve of Thanksgiving, to reflect and find out what it is that we can wrap up in our gratitude and give back to God. 
He is most worthy of our praise! 
Good day and Happy Thanksgiving! 

If you have no place to call home to worship, fellowship, and be fed spiritually, join me!
7359 S. Chappel Ave 
Chicago, IL. 60649


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