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The Great Defender

Deuteronomy 32:4  
The Lord is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways; Your God is faithful and true; he does what is right and fair.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court. With these rights in mind, are you still willing to talk with me about the charges against you?"

Who's not familiar with these good ole Miranda Rights? Hopefully, you've never been arrested and your introduction to these rights were from watching cop shows, like me. 
I'm not judging you though if you were in fact arrested and were read these rights by a police officer. Can we just agree that we know them though? Ha! 

Anywho, these rights were basically put in place as a means to protect those in custody by giving them the heads up that although their freedom is about to be temporarily suspended, they don't have to speak if they don't want to and they have the privilege to an attorney even if they can't afford one. 

I would like to think that when we are adopted into the kingdom of God, we have kingdom rights as well. Not to be confused with our futile humanoid rights of entitlement which should die once we hand our lives over to God. But rights as citizens in the kingdom that are activated if/when we find ourselves in custody by life's circumstances and hemmed up by the enemies cunning devices. 

We ourselves as sons and daughters of God have the right to remain silent when we're accused of things that aren't true. We have the right to refrain from responding when the enemy uses situations and other people to build smear campaigns against us and other random acts of  foolishness to throw us off key. 

We have the right because we are connected to the Great Defender! 
There will be times when God will allow us to take the stand but it's typically AFTER the enemy has had his say. Because God always gets the last word. Take for example after Jesus went to trial, was beaten, mocked, and crucified. 
Who was the last person in this account to say anything? 
And what did He say?
"It, is, finished." 

When you've developed an ability to be prudent with your words, responses, and reactions to the antics of the father of LIES, FAIRYTALES, AND FANTASIES, you automatically afford yourself the advantage to be defended by God in ALL cases. 
The blood of Jesus is God's retainer for you.  
You have a Great Defender on deck for any and all purposes. 
I learned this a few years ago when I found my name in the midst of blotchy truths and vicious lies. 

What do you do when God commissions you to befriend a suicidal homosexual of the same gender as you, in order to open up a pathway to minister and deliver them? 
But a rumor geared towards questioning your sexuality surfaces? 

What do you do when you witness the altar of worship in the house of God, turn into a runway for demons and you're compelled to turn it back into an altar of worship. 
But you're accused of trying to be seen? 

What do you do when people believe children are unsafe around you because you had a crying fit in a child's vicinity? 
What do you do when you're given multiple positions in the church of which none of them you asked for. 
But you're accused of having an "Octopus" spirit and trying to overthrow leadership to take over the church? 

What do you do when the entire church is told you tried to seduce your pastor on multiple occasions?  
What do you do when it is believed you tried to seduce other men including married ones?
What do you do when it is believed that you're not really practicing abstinence? That you're really a whore who've slept with people you've barely hugged? 

That you're a liar and aren't to be trusted? That you're nosey and a gossip? That your fasting and praying is all for show? That you're just gifted and not anointed? That you're a witch and practice vodoo? That you're a substance abuser?

You. Say. Nothing.

More often that not, I find that people who have a great witness and have been given authority to dismantle demonic operations, will in fact come under hell's scrutiny. 
This is why when those who've told God, "Yes," the strictness of consecration and sanctification is thereby paramount in being enforced because it is during these processes that the Yes-men/women of God are injected with His truth. 

With that being said, those who've been injected with God's truth need not to defend themselves when they are faced with a lie. 
The truth doesn't have to speak if it has been charged to be lived out. 

Romans 8:31 
 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

It takes great strength and restraint to not exhaust any energy on trying to defend yourself. Yet, you must allow God to represent you in your silence. I have to warn you that the more you try to defend yourself the more guilty you will look. 
The more you try to make an effort to prove your innocence, the more it will look like you're trying to hide evidence that refutes it. 
The objective of bombarding a person walking in truth, with lies is to get them to abandon post and operate outside of their jurisdiction in the flesh blending in with the liars! 

You must stay within close earshot of God, your Great Defender. He will give you a handsome supply of wisdom to help you duck and dodge the clapbacks from hell. 
He'll show you how to bob and weave luceferian spawns which will most certainly include being quick to listen and slow to speak. 

Have you noticed in any court setting the parties on either side of a trial are situated right next to their lawyer? This is to maintain access for communication. In some trials the one being accused of something is not even given the chance to take the stand depending on the amount of evidence that has been brought up against him or her. 
In either situation, lawyers are given the floor for questioning. 

Here's the thing, if you're in a predicament where the odds are stacked against you in favor of your enemies and God is telling you not to say a mumbling word, there's a surefire possibility that He has something against the antagonist(s) that He will use to shut them down indefinitely. 
You don't want to risk losing the case due to your immaturity and inability to see that you and God are the majority and the fight is fixed! 

When God blows the covers off a thing, if you stand firm and keep your face like flint during the entire time of hell's interrogations, you will be made glad. God will set it up where the accuser of the bretheren will be placed on the stand unexpectedly and He will allow life to question them harshly. 
They will be ordered to live out sentences of repentance and experience His grace being lifted off of their endeavors if they refuse. 

How do I know this? Oh, because I'm a living witness. Staying connected to God during my time on trial for no reason and refraining from defending myself has come with blissful rewards. Not only that, it has increased my fear of Him by watching the calamity that followed those who rejected His convictions, keeping me from gloating.

Sidebar: A few days ago, I had an old friend of mine message me asking for advice. Someone had come to him with some information that had him completely vexed in the spirit. The person shared with him a "prophetic vision," they presumably received from "God" about someone my friend personally knows. The nature of the vision caused an earthquake in my soul. It didn't take long for my prophetic antennae to go off and I was able to pick up on some things. However, I shut it off because I didn't want to waste my gift on GOSSIP! 
I ordered him to shut it down and give it to God if he remained bothered by this information. 

I also let him know that the origin of this supposed vision has demonic strands because; 1. It did not edify him but disturbed him. 2. It did not profit him but robbed him of his peace. and 3. The "vision" was about another whole individual other than him. Someone he happens to know but really don't have an actual close relationship with. #Negative

I challenge you as you read this, if hell and all of its little baldheaded friends try to recruit you to eat gossip and pass around leftover garbage gathered to come against someone else, you've been warned!
 SHUT IT DOWN or be recorded by God as an accessory to spiritual murder and forced to face the same consequences as your recruiters! 

On the other hand, to my Yes-men/women of God, if or in the near future you are met with some antagonists of hell, HUSH YOUR FACE! 
Continue to stay the course and blaze the trail God has set before you. 
Weapons will always form for those who are called according to God's purpose. Just ask any of the great ones in the Bible! 
 these weapons will not prosper! (Isaiah 54:17) 
And our weapons of warfare will never be carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! (2 Corinthians 10:4) 
Please remember that God is your Great Defender! 
You have the right to remain silent so that He can defend you! Let Him defend you


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