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Welp technically this coming Friday, March 22, 2019, Tanzy Alexis' Said It, 
will be 7 years old! 
Even though I spent close to 3 out of these 7 years in hiatus, I must include that time away as part of the rebirthing phase of this blog. 
Plus biblically, the number 7 means completion.
I believe this 7th year is a pivotal one. 

If you've been with me since day ONE, day one, you'll see my multiple transitions. I really had no true blueprint or concept for this space that I created.
I just was going with the flow. 

When I relaunched this blog last year, I purposely partnered with God to guide my creative input.
It's been a heck of a ride to say the least. BUT, I have no desire to put my pen down anytime soon unless He instructs me to otherwise. Needless to say, you can pretty much assume that today, there will be no regular blog post in observation of this mini holiday of mine. 
Don't cry for me Argentina! Ha!

I still want to share with you guys a special event I'm hosting this month where I will be imparting wisdom I've acquired overtime while being a HOLY ghostwriter for God.
You see what I did there? LOL!
To celebrate my blogging milestone, I will be hosting my first live webinar teaching anyone interested in fine tuning or acquiring the skills I've harnessed as a scribe!

If you don't know me, I'm an avid note taker and transcriber. I developed this affinity, I believe it was three or four years after I gave my life to God. I realized that it would serve me well to take notes during Sunday service and biblestudy to retain what I'd learned as well as be able to apply what I learned to my life.

So, I would take it upon myself to take notes. And I would just so happen to post my notes on my personal Facebook page to share with my peers.
Shortly after, my pastor at the time caught wind of this and decided to make me the administrator of our church Facebook page where I then could share my notes. 
Thus, provoking me to take my practice more serious.
And folks, that's how the scribe in me was born. 

Welp today, the spirit of the Lord is upon me to share my expertise. I do believe that these tools can also assist those studying to further their education in whatever field or in work related projects. Overall, I would like to usher those into becoming more proficient note takers, better test takers and applicators.
If you're interested see the flyer below. 
Other than that, bring yourself back here next week for my last post of the month of March. 
Man, did this month pass by fast or not????
Ok bye! 


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