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Showing posts from September, 2019

Celebrate With Me!!!!

I have something I want to tell you! Watch! If you would like to purchase either of my books by all means! To purchase either or both, Tears of Kings ($10.00) or Tears of Queens ($10.00) send funds via cash app to $TanzyAlexis with the title of the book you want.    Thanks for the birthday wishes in advance! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! In the meantime, PLEASE read this old post of mine and be blessed! click here


Ezekiel 16:6 Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "Live!"  Greetings and glad tidings to you all! Listen, I want to share a silver lining with you guys from a portion of last week's post about correction . If you didn't read it, don't go a ny further from here. Please go check it out really quick then come right back.   Anyway, so I shared what I will call it, some TRIGGER TRANSPARENCY. The type of transparent moment that unearths triggers in me that are either unknown or known.  This was an alien trigger in this sense.  The account involved me laying hands on a young lady who it was revealed to me through Holy Spirit that she was pregnant and contemplating having an abortion. Also, how I was subsequently corrected because of this in a manner that would break me.  I'm elated to share with you guys that I would find out some time later that the girl was indeed pregnant and that

Where Fools Turn to Gold

Jeremiah 10:24 Correct me, O LORD, but with justice; Not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing. Proverbs 12:1  Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Good day gang! I'm praying that you all have found your pace for this month. If not, I pray that something happens for you in the coming days to spark some motivation in you and assist in locating your rhythm. You're going to need to find for yourself a beat to rock to that does not belong to anyone else. It's how you will get some much needed tasks completed and seal off distractions.  Anywho, I'd like to believe I'm a very receptive person. I take pleasure in hearing other people out. I've always been an open minded woman. Even before I gave my life to Christ and was operating in a very strong measure of pride, there still were a part of me surprisingly that welcomed counsel, advice, and CORRECTION .  Maybe some of this was attributed to the over

Patty Cake

  Proverbs 13:12  Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. Patty cake. Patty cake. Baker's man.  Bake me a cake as fast as you can.  Roll it up. Roll it up.  Put it in a pan! I would like to assume that everyone is familiar with this age old nursery rhyme. I don't recall when I first was introduced to it, but I do know for me it's fun playing patty cake with babies. I tickle their bellies when I say, "Put it in the pan," and they always laugh. A baby's laughter is heaven. Literally one of the best sounds in the world.  But happy September to you guys! Just want to give you all a heads up that there is a slight chance I may be a little extra this month because THIS is the month that I was born.  I must add that September is the month of the royals.  If you don't know, now you know!  People who were born in this month just happen to have a certain  je ne sais quoi about them that everybody n