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Where Fools Turn to Gold

Jeremiah 10:24
Correct me, O LORD, but with justice; Not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.

Proverbs 12:1 
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Good day gang! I'm praying that you all have found your pace for this month. If not, I pray that something happens for you in the coming days to spark some motivation in you and assist in locating your rhythm. You're going to need to find for yourself a beat to rock to that does not belong to anyone else. It's how you will get some much needed tasks completed and seal off distractions. 

Anywho, I'd like to believe I'm a very receptive person. I take pleasure in hearing other people out. I've always been an open minded woman. Even before I gave my life to Christ and was operating in a very strong measure of pride, there still were a part of me surprisingly that welcomed counsel, advice, and CORRECTION

Maybe some of this was attributed to the over achieving, people pleaser I was that made me afraid to get things wrong. Nevertheless, I would suspend my pride in these cases, never desiring to commit to doing anything only to turn around and find out out the way in which I committed to that something, was flat out wrong. 
So whenever I would receive instructions from someone, I would ask a lot of questions to ensure that I fully comprehended what was expected of me before I'd dive in. 

I embraced ample feedback too, while in the process of completing a project because I wanted the finished product or outcome to not only be something I could be proud of but something that others could benefit from and be proud of as well. 
I even looked forward to follow-ups and highlights of room for improvement. 

*click here real quick* 

I found myself connected to some people in the past who enjoyed spinning me. They would tell me to do one thing or express a need and when I would do it or fulfill the need they would badger me with a barrage of complaints disguised as correction which primarily were, 
"I never told you to do that."  "I never asked you to do this for me." 
"You should have did this instead."
 "This is not what I asked for." "Why did you do this? "Who told you to do that?"

I would be left to wrestle with so much confusion to the point that I would question my own sanity. Wondering if I'd ever had the initial conversations with them to begin with. 

If that weren't the kicker, they would imply their need for help with something and direct their subliminal messages to me. My naive self would take the bait and every time I'd be accused of being rebellious or having ulterior motives. 
And they would send me on blank missions then tell me basically, I should have known better.

I remember me and an old worship team I belonged to were assigned to lead worship for one of their prophetic conferences. I was already at odds with them anyway because of their aforementioned antics. But I chose to set my personal feelings aside to complete my assignment. 

We were going forth well in worship before the prophet of the house climbed on the stage snatched the mic from me and begin to prophesy. 
I stepped back because this wasn't my show. I was happy my assignment was done even if it was cut short. 
I stayed low-key for the rest of the night until there was somewhat of an altar call made and the attendees approached the altar for prayer. 

I stood up and backed into a corner to watch. I had no plans on partaking in the altar call whatsoever. Part due to the fact that I didn't want to make any sudden moves that would trigger a negative response from my leaders and interrupt the flow of the moment. 

As I surveyed the room everyone were being tended to except for one young lady. She had on a sweat shirt and her hands were tucked into the pockets. Her head was bowed down in shame as she wept silently. 
Then I heard, "She's pregnant and she's contemplating having an abortion." 

My heart broke in half. I wanted to immediately run to her aide and bombard heaven on her behalf. 
But I was paralyzed with fear. I didn't want to take a step toward her without being told.
I instead, imagined my inhales were drawing out her pain from a distance and exhales were sending it to heaven. This was a terrible feeling to bear. 
Rendered helpless.

Then I'd just so happen to look over at the prophet of the house who'd made a very quick hand gesture directing me to see after the young lady. 
Like lightening I bolted to her, grabbed the small of her back and the pit of her belly and begin to intercede for her and her unborn child. 

I was specifically coming against the lies of the enemy encouraging her to abort her seed while being clawed at in the spirit by the prophet of the house who had me on surveillance at that exact moment. This caused the words of my prayers to become more aggressive and I believe it was the first time hearing my voice reaching such a violent ferocity. 
This was probably the second time I'd ever laid hands on anyone.
I was terrified and amazed at the same time. 
I no longer felt like myself. 

The young lady begin to weep harder and I blacked out. I don't even remember how long I was praying for her. I just remember coming back to myself and noticed the musicians had practically stopped playing, the other intercessors had stopped praying, and the prophet of the house was on the mic reduced to whispering a prayer to another lady. 
All eyes were on me and the young lady.
It was at that moment, that I'd discerned I was in trouble. 
I felt heavy, drained, and defeated as I anticipated a rebuke. 

Lo and behold, as I was offered a ride home from one of the members of the ministry, they received a call from one of my leaders during the ride telling her to inform me to call them once I made it home. 
Fear immediately smothered my confidence.

Once I got home, I made the call and was first involuntarily subjected to hearing their idea of how the flow of worship should go. This led me to being questioned as to why did I cut off worship. I responded as humbly as I could, "I didn't. The prophet of the house did." 

There was a pause of course followed with pointing out how there was a woman walking around the entire room hugging people during altar call. I'd seen her doing it. Of course I had no clue who she was. She even came and gave me a hug while I was in my corner. 
Welp, I was asked if I'd known that this wasn't to take place at that particular time. 


 Because I was confused by the notice and suddenly wondering what the call was even about, they stole my chances of seeking clarity and went in for the kill. 
It was brought up that me interceding for the young lady was not proper protocol, that I wasn't even permitted to pray for her, the tone of my voice while praying was too loud, and that I should have noticed when the volume of everyone else had decreased and therefore followed suit. 

I'll be honest and say my emotions got the best of me. Angry tears flooded my eyes. I couldn't believe I was pulled into yet another mind game after trying so hard not to. 

I was a blubbering fool trying to plead my case and dodge these objections. 
I knew this was coming. However, I felt ill prepared to defend myself.
I still managed to frantically let this person know I rescinded everything they told me.

My response was the ammo needed to shoot back at me where I would be charged with harboring a rebellious spirit and lacking the ability to be corrected. 
My penalty was the termination of my positions from every auxiliary in the ministry that I'd been volunteering my services to, EXCEPT for sound check/equipment manager, 
because nobody wanted that job. 

I was livid! Not by the fact that I was even fired. But the method and manner in which I was. I sobbed on the phone and the person hung up in my face. 

You know what? 
I think I'm being delivered from some residue of anger and trauma stemming from this incident, I didn't even know was present. 

*Moment of silence please* 

One of my fellow worship leaders who belonged to the same worship group, called me because she was instructed by that person to check on me. It was close to 1 am in the morning. 
I'd run outside and sat on the curb a half block from my place. 
I wailed while fighting a panic attack. 
I vented to her just a little bit before letting her go.

I eventually went back into the house, cried some more, prayed, and was comforted by the sweet presence of God before falling asleep. 
Got up the next day. 
Swallowed my pride and went back to that place to take my position as the sound check/equipment manager. 

I risked being triggered by sharing this story in order to expose the misconception/abuse of correction in an effort to pinpoint another reason OTHER than rebellion as to why possibly some are adverse to it and to potentially recondition hearts to accept its true benefits.

Yes, I'm going here. 
If you don't want to join me further, that's fine. 
You're free to check back in with me next week. 

Correction should never be used as a method to humiliate and break the spirit of the one on the receiving end. It should never be something to debilitate and immobilize. It should never be used to confuse and abuse the trust of the recipient. It should never discourage a person's leadership skills or potential leadership skills. 
And it should never EVER be given before instruction.

What I've discovered is that people who are drunk off ego and probably even have narcissistic tendencies tend to be the main ones abusing the concept. 

Correction is a beautiful thing when it's carried out right. The gross misconception is if it comes from someone in assumed authority then it should never be questioned and that it should automatically be accepted when it hasn't been articulated properly nor has it come from a pure place. 

Effective leaders, communicators, heck believers in general MUST acknowledge that correction should be threefold. It should point out what's right FIRST, expose what's wrong, SECOND, and provide a palpable solution, THIRD. 
Once again, all can't be done without instructions made prior. 

This way, the person who's being deposited into won't walk away feeling stripped, shamed, and discombobulated. 
Yet if you're feeling some type of way about this person you'll exclude the first and third folds. In turn, the correction would not be that all, but low jabs and uppercuts. 
The primary reason why many run from it today; 
most have never seen or experienced proper correction.

Which leads me to say this, correction should never come off as personal or like a clapback of an offense. 
I've experienced instances where people have corrected me only because I corrected them. In doing so their offense sent them straight on a mission to blast anything and everything I'd supposedly done wrong. 
This is WACK and immature! 

Hebrews 12:6
The Lord corrects the people he loves and disciplines those he calls his own.

We are living in a time right now where the masses are lacking true guidance. Everybody's out here like renegades and lone warriors. Captains of ships that are going nowhere. Self help gurus and jacks of all trades but masters of none. 
A lot of them are suffering from an aversion of correction. 
Not necessarily by choice but by default. 

You might be thinking as you read this, "They need to get delivered."
I told myself I'm never going to use that phrase again. Telling someone that they need to get delivered, to me is an arrogant, elementary cop out. 

How about, if we notice someone who's undelivered in a certain area of their walk, why don't we assume the position and usher them into deliverance? 
Many can't even do that. Too busy looking down on people. 

Correction is more than just swatting people with rulers. It's actually locking arms with someone and showing them a better way at doing things. Godly correction says, "I admire your creativity. I applaud your efforts. Let me show you how you can build off that." 
I guarantee you, the person will go home feeling charged not charred. 

Now, if a person manifests adversely from proper correction, let them! Let them spin out. Convulse and foam at the mouth if they will. When they cool off, offer your continued counsel and advice. 
If they reject, that's on them. 
They must then own their residence in stupidity. 

This may sound like handing out pacifiers. NO! 
It keeps you covered under the grace of God. Because it's hard to twist Godly correction. 

Typically, people who know they're in need of some form of correction will respond immediately to Godly correction. Those who are just looking for clout will not. 
Simple as that. 
The wrong thing to do is approach correction from an impure place and then clump everybody in to that latter clout chasing group upon it not being received well.

I don't know anybody who will dine in a restaurant, get a bill with a host of charges some of which they did not incur, and still pay it without asking the waiter, 
"Um. excuse me! What are these charges?" 

Needless to say, 
God put correction in place because it's where fools turn to gold. If it's not carried out properly, fools risk turning into gold plated medallions of worthlessness. 
I pity the fool!
On the flipside, when carried out properly, fools turn into better versions of themselves.

We should consider how God corrects us. 
Matter of fact, when's the last time you've been corrected by God? 
Did you listen? Or did you not? 
What happened as a result of either? 

I've personally noticed that there is a big difference between God's corrections and His rebukes. 
Usually, I've been rebuked AFTER He's attempted to correct me on multiple occasions. God's corrections have been like, "Tanzy, I've put something valuable in you. Don't go over there or you will be robbed. Come this way instead." 

His rebukes have been like, "I told you to come this way and you chose your way. I will have you face the consequences of your decisions that you know to never choose your way again and I will show you an exit as soon as you get the lesson." 

Correction is the staff of God. Staffs direct the sheep. Rebukes are the rods of God. 
Rods are for discipline. 
The problem is, we've fused these two together when they should be separate entities, 

What if I told you that the greater populous in the kingdom are very much familiar with the rod. 
Yet foreign to the staff?
Furthermore, we have people handling the staff like it's the rod!

Are you in the mood for a challenge? Let's get naked before our God. Let's throw off every negative experience we may have had with improper correction.  Let's jump-start the process of forgiving those who more than likely didn't know any better themselves. Let's completely disassociate ourselves from these experiences so that they don't become or no longer remain a part of our DNA. 

 Let's become acquainted better yet, postured to receive new divine installations which will afford us the ability to know the difference between correction and rebuke. As well as the ability to be receptive of both on any and every occasion. Let's not think we are exempt from either, just based off of where we are positioned in the kingdom. 
Let us be open to the type of wisdom that will enable us to use correction in the way God ordained it.

Does this sound like a decent challenge to accept? 
My overall prayer is that we ourselves be corrected more than rebuked. 
Because if we have to be rebuked, that means at some point we rejected correction. 
At the end of the day, whichever way the coin flips, 
God corrects those He loves, and disciplines those He calls His own


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