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No Sex in The Champagne Room

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Romans 12:1 
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."

Happy February my beautiful people from all over! Since it has been donned the month of LOVE, I'm not surprised that God was prepping my gaze the end of last year to speak on the matters and issues of the heart this month as it pertains to sex and romantic relationships. I typically shy away from these types of discussions part due to some very strong personal convictions. 
But something in me is relatively excited this go round! 

Excited Excited GIF - Excited Adorable AGT GIFs 

So last month, I celebrated 6 years of abstaining from sexual activity. I think it was the first 2 years that were more of a struggle because around that time I was still heavily idolizing marriage. You guys, I literally wrote 50 love poems to my "future husband," in desperate hopes of one day running into this unicorn of a man creature. Talk about obsessive! Thank God for deliverance. Ha!
On top of that I was self gratifying and regarding my abstinence as fine China.

In my post, Peaches and Cream, I actually touched on the latter. Check it out when you get a chance. Here's my thing, nothing's wrong with saving yourself for marriage. It only becomes a problem when you place your desire for marriage above your desire to be one with God if you profess to be a believer and in conjunction, placing your abstinence on a pedestal. Foregoing or better yet overlooking the fact that there are other components that involves purity aside from physically abstaining from sex.
You can still abstain from sex and not be holistically pure.
So yeah, go ahead and read that old post of mine for more on this.

Well, one of my coworkers asked me to read this blog post a while back and share my feedback. It was written by a particular young lady, forgive me, I don't remember her government or her blog's title. Anyway, the first few sentences took me for a whole loop.
Here's how she introduced the post, "I love Jesus but I like having sex too..."
The entire post was not her explaining how she manages to coexist in a sexually charged age, as she bridles her natural sexual appetite while actively living for Christ. NO.
  She was protesting her choice to be an actual full blown, fornicating, Christian.

It boggled me because she didn't at all consider herself backslidden. Simply because of her affections for Jesus. Might I add, were only basic verbal expressions and not real evidence of her being a true devotee. To make it worse, she used scripture to affirm this position.
Insert horror music here__________!

And I find this to be a very pervasive culture within the body of Christ and it's appalling. If I be honest.
It's one thing to slip up and succumb to your lustful nature. But it's another thing to completely give yourself up as ransom to your flesh and yet think that it's ok to juxtapose this lifestyle with that of a legit Christian lifestyle.

The Christian lifestyle entails standards that include sexual forbearance. Keyword: standard.
It's these universe snorting, chakra pushing, third eye having, big belly, gold toe'd statue kissing faiths that don't call you to give up nothing.
Christianity on the other hand does!
I think I just went real hard, real quick.
But Jimmy cracks corn and I don't care!

Listen, as a Christian, there is absolutely, positively,
Hey, it's not easy being a Christian. If it were, then everybody would be one.
And you wouldn't see laws and agendas being pushed to silence it's influence!

Let's not confuse the champagne room with an actual room in a strip club. Snap out of it! Stay focused, people! We're going to say the champagne room is YOUR ROOM. Or whatever room you have the opportunity to be invited to where your lusts and fancy's are tickled.
Where the magic can happen but should never happen before you've said. "I do," to somebody.
Can that be understood for the moment?

I get it! Your argument may be, that you're grown. You're right. You're free to do as you please. You can go on and sow your royal oats. By all means drop it low and spread it wide. Nobody is stopping you. But don't you DARE, go copying and pasting doctrines of devils and calling it biblical!
That's the modus operandi of a blasphemous buffoon!

Jude 1:4 
"I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."

I honestly, truly, respect people who know for a fact that they are not with the lifestyle of Christianity and so they refuse to fake the funk, to do them. 
The false flaggers are the problem. 
False flaggers are the key contributors of the blurred lines we see in Christianity. 
It is the reason why people can't tell who from who and don't take the faith serious.
There should be some level of distinction and there is not. 

Furthermore, God's mercy is being taken advantage of just as much as His grace. 

There's so many defiled altars of worship out here thanks to "Christians" defiling the marriage bed! 
Oh snaps! Let's not even get on that topic right now. I might hit that one on another day. 

I recently saw a video of a well known gospel artist who was pouring her soul out on Facebook live. She shared the extent of her dealings with an apostle who did her in real bad. She had given herself to him physically only to be discarded as trash and ousted by his church. 

I felt for her to some degree as she wept and pitifully whined, "I loved him. I thought he was my husband."

Now she's currently in a state of denial, taking no accountability for her role in this situation, and using her pain to fuel a public rampage against this apparent backslidden man of God and the church he oversees.

You see, there's a better way to handle stuff like this. But when you've given someone illegal access to your soul through premarital sex, you can never be emotionally sober so you won't know the better way. When Christians start dabbling in forbidden fruit such as sex out of context provided by the world's conveyor belt, we are just as susceptible to emotional insobriety, spiritual disillusionment, manipulation and witchcraft, and all kinds of sexual perversions just like everybody in the world. 

This is why abstinence is a standard in the Christian lifestyle. Not only are we, through physical abstinence, offering our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, we are protecting our vessels from spiritual corruption. If we can refuse to be compromised in this manner, we keep ourselves from the type of unnecessary warfare associated with world dwellers. 

It doesn't make sense to witness Christians with and without positions in leadership frolicking with fornication. No discipline in the flesh whatsoever. This is actually one of the easiest snares the devil is using to render the people of God powerless. 

How are we going to constantly keep allowing the enemy to score on us? We're losing so bad in this category that it's a face palming shame.  

Sex is a beautiful thing. It's a good thing. It's ONE of God's most magnificent works of art. I will always be awed by how God fashioned man and woman to connect in such an intimate way. 

Just the thought of it brings me slightly to tears.

Sex in is context, it has no price. 

On the flipside, sex out of context does have a price because it's SIN
And the wages of sin is DEATH! (Romans 6:23)
Haven't heard this particular warning in a long time. 
A lot of people don't want to hear it. I guess too busy worried about the wrong things!

I'm going to tap out here to give you some time to consult with yourself if you are in fact guilty of making excuses to sin in this way and using scripture to cosign you. 
I said this in a previous post, there is nothing in the 66 books of the bible that promotes concessions for the flesh. The flesh is a direct enemy of God. And whosoever, (yes, WHOSOEVER!) willfully chooses to submit themselves to that which is a direct enemy of  God automatically comes off from under the grace and mercy of God and shall suffer the consequences. 

There is GOOD NEWS! I'm so happy to share it. Anybody who is in direct opposition of God can actually come out of deception today to rededicate his or her life back to God! 

Nobody's oochiewallybangbang is worth something as precious as your soul anyway. 
Come on. Let's clean off these altars of worship and offer up our bodies as living sacrifices to God, together. For real, For real. 


  1. Always look forward to reading your posts. I'm like a child on Christmas when Wednesdays come. I love that you allow God to use you to write on the meat matters because too many as are sipping on spoiled milk.

  2. Amen. I recently watched a series from Transformation Church with Pastor Michael Todd. He talked about the consequences of sex outside the covenant of marriage. He explained that sex was designed to be contained BY marriage and having it outside of that could mean detrimental results.


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