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How to Kill a Child

I’ve been teaching Sunday school for the primary department (ages 3-9) at my church for almost four years now and boy has it changed me. I used to hate kids. Let me say that again. I used to HATE KIDS. I lacked the patience and empathy for them. Don’t let one start crying…I would have a fit my dang on self. I would scowl at them and call them heathens when I saw them acting unruly. I would argue with them, trip them, (YUP!), laugh at them, and run from them. I couldn’t stand them, JESUS!

Then something happened. One faithful Sunday I was directed by the late great Arthur T. Bonds to go teach for THESE HEATHENS. I was disgusted! I walked into the classroom expecting to be annoyed but I wasn’t. I saw there little angelic faces and their happy eyes. That hardened cast around my heart started to peel off. My hatred towards them, transformed into compassion. It took a minute though for my drill sergeant ways to die down but the more and more I began to spend time with them the more I changed. Four years later as I type this I can easily say with no hesitation that I LOVE KIDS. I’d slit a throat for a child (lol let’s hope I never have to) My heart aches when I hear something about one being mistreated. I feel like I’ve been made into an advocate for these little voices.

So why would I name this post HOW TO KILL A CHILD. When I say KILLING A CHILD, I actually mean killing a child’s HEALTHY DEVELOPING. KILLING the chances of that child growing up into a RESPONSIBLE AND DESCENT ADULT HUMAN BEING! Throughout my time as a Sunday school teacher I have observed quite a lot in regards to child behavior and their development. (Why didn’t I go to school for Child Psychology instead of Finance!) I’ve noticed that children are a DIRECT REPLICA of their parents. They’re like little carbon copies. They do have their own personalities but for the most part a lot of who they are have been LEARNED. You can tell a child who has been properly raised and is the product of someone with some sense by how the child acts when they aren’t around their parents.

I have another theory to add to that. I’m going to call it the TRANSFERANCE THEORY. Ok, so the moment a pregnant woman (We gone call her Miss Preggo) goes in to get her first ultrasound and becomes acquainted with her baby’s heartbeat does it become HIGHLY IMPORTANT for her to monitor what she does and how she THINKS. This is a very sensitive time for that baby. Not only does this woman have to make sure she eats the right things and take her prenatal vitamins, she needs to be aware of she interacts with people and who interacts with her.  

Engaging in unnecessary drama, drinking, smoking, (I’ve seen it), partying, being in constant loud violent environments is how you can KILL A CHILD. All of this stuff is carried over to that baby! We MUST understand that a woman was given a WOMB for a reason, and that is to CARRY a WHOLE NEW LIFE. If you buy something that is fragile over the internet, you’re going to recieve it in a box that reads VERY FRAGILE. The woman’s womb is to be considered VERY FRAGILE because she is carrying a sensitive vessel!

Look at this, (would ya look at this lol) I’m not sure what my mom was worrying about when she was preggo with me but chile let me tell you, I came into this world a WORRY WART! At age five I remembered worrying about EVERYTHING! I was only five so what possibly could I have been worrying about? (EXACTLY!) At the age of 13 I had to go to the doctor because I was wheezing like crazy. That’s when I was diagnosed with asthma but the doctor also checked my blood pressure and she said it was unusually high! Smh 13 with HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? I used to lock myself in the closet to get away from my own thoughts because I worried so much. This habit of worrying I am quite certain was transferred to me when I was in my MOTHER’S WOMB.

Let’s go back and chill with Miss. Preggo again. Nine months have passed and little MoonPieFace is here in the world! If things were REAL when Miss Preggo was preggo then ish is real REAL now that little MoonPieFace is here! It is imperative that Miss NewMommy (She ain’t preggo no more) smothers this baby with attention and LOVE. If Miss NewMommy is married, PapaBear will have to do the SAME THING! I know ya’ll looking at me like, "Who are you? What do you know? You ain't got no kids!" 

Yup, I sure don’t have any kids but I’m going to use me again as an example. I believe I was showered with attention and love as a baby. And I say this because as I grew up, I never acted out or did things to get attention because I got it at home. My sister and brother on the other hand, I believe got the shorthand of the stick. They weren’t shown the similar affection as I and it showed in their behavior. They weren’t terrible but they weren’t as well behaved as I. I’m not trying to toot my own horn, I’m just doing a developmental compare and contrast here. That’s it that’s all!

I promised in my post Son of a Bible Thumping Idiot! that I would share with you all the importance of waiting a while to have kids as newlyweds. Here is my explanation, two people who have just gotten married need to learn each other as a married couple. They need to go explore the world together, enjoy each other, and everything that life has to offer them as a unit under God. They need to have as much joy being together and use this time to gather up all kinds of nuggets of happiness, so when it’s time to simmer down to make room for that MoonPieFace, they will be so content with life and so in love, that their little one will serve as a willing beneficiary of all of this and not an unwilling participant of struggle, pain, and heartache.

Bringing a child into an environment that is warped with confusion, poverty, and lack is another way to KILL A CHILD! And just because that baby is getting older doesn’t mean that he or she doesn't need attention and LOVE. THEY ACTUALLY NEED MORE. The level of sensitivity INCREASES as the child get’s older. The first stage of vulnerability and sensitivity started IN THE WOMB AND PROGRESSES! Sometimes I just want to run off and cry when I see a child that I know is not getting the proper TLC he or she needs. These babies are being HANDED OFF to the wicked ways of the world. Women are out here just having babies just to have them without properly preparing for them. (Buying clothes, diapers, and picking God parents ain't PREPARING EITHER!) Our little princesses are too GROWN. Their given purses, leggings,and  lipgloss!  Our little boys are being DESENSTIZED! Their forced to hold back their feelings, and are trained early on how to disrespect girls. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE people! Children were meant to be a blessing! We can’t keep at this route! You may not think so or never even looked at this way but this is exactly HOW TO KILL A CHILD!


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