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Showing posts from October, 2013

Are We GLADIATORS or Are We B&%@s?

Hold up! Hold up! Before you can go any further with this post, if you are feeling some type of way about the title, then I'm going to need you to exit STAGE LEFT...NOW! Those of you who could careless about the title and are more concerned with what I have to say,then by all means stay with me. Grab you some WINFINE and have yourself a seat! LOL! (Clearing my thrOAK) I used to be a different kind of girl before I knew God. I was mean, belligerent, and I could care LESS about anybody. I didn't give a DAMN! My world was just that, MINE and if you didn't like it you had to kick rocks. My girlfriends tolerated me because they actually really did love my baldheaded self but their boyfriends HATED ME! I would curse them out at the drop of a hat. Wooo chile! But then something happened. GOD happened to me. You see on the inside I was sad and hurting. After God got a hold of me, He ripped me apart, emptied me out, and poured all of that nasty stuff out. Then He poured back in

BIG THINGS POPPIN'.... lil things stoppin'...(FEARLESS)

If you were to ask me, “Tanzy what is the magic formula to being FEARLESS?” There’s NO MAGIC FORMULA. You just be it! You wake up one day and YOU DECIDE to be FEARLESS. And when you do that, you become INVISIBLE AND INVINCIBLE. Brick walls crumble and fall. Monsters lose their INTIMIDATING PRESENCE. Your confidence is on TEN!   Haters make noise but the sounds that they make suddenly are MUTED. You become the poster child for the scripture,                                       Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” You still don’t believe me when I say that there ISN’T a magic formula to being FEARLESS do you? Please believe me my friends, there isn’t! Look at it this way, there’s a man out there, alot of us KNOW HIM. He’s a regular human being like you and me. He eats, he sleeps, he poops, he laughs, he cries, and he BLEEDS. But guess what, he’s a BASKETBALL PLAYER. Well how do you know that Tanzy? Because when the

Tell Me What You Know About Dreamin'?

 WARNING this post is going to be going in a completely different flow. Alright, please don't think I'm crazy but as long as I can remember I have been able to interpret dreams. I had one this morning that I think I'm supposed to share with y'all. So here it goes; I was on the bus and someone got sick and vomited. I rememeber feeling disgusted and annoyed so I got off. Wherever i was going i walked back to another bus stop. I remember thinking, "I've been here before." The bus stop I knew I needed to go to was a ways away. So I looked for another one. Found one that wemt down a hill and past a viaduct. As I walked I thought I might fall so I slowed down.  Next thing I know I see two men coming from an opening on the side of the viaduct and I sensed danger. So I turned back around but they saw me and began to follow me. Even though I was scared I was calm. I looked back and was able to see the faces of these men. One had sandy brown dreadlocks pu

Tonight I'm Going to Dance for the Devil

You’re smart you know that? I’m smart too! We’re all very smart. If someone was to perform some sort of cranial surgery on us and took our brains out to weigh and examine them, they would find that our brains weigh a KILLATON because we’re that damn smart. And at the lovely age you are now, you should be able to use your brain to know the difference between right and wrong. Right? I don’t know about you but I know that it’s fairly easy to look at a situation someone ELSE is in and decide whether they handled themselves RIGHT OR WRONG. Yet, what happens when I’m in a similar situation? How do I handle myself? 99.9% of the time I can say with confidence that I have made the right decision in sticky situations. That infamous .01% though…CHILE BOOM, I have told myself, “Tonight I’m going to DANCE FOR THE DEVIL!” And it’s not that I ACCIDENTLY make these WRONG DECISIONS. Every single WRONG DECISION I have made was INTENTIONAL, thought out, PREMEDITATED, systematically calculate


   Well good afternoon, good morning, good evening wherever you are right now, HELLO!!! I pray all is good in your neighborhood. I am officially back into the swing of things, considering last week I took a vacation from work and everything else AND I celebrated my 27TH birthday. Praise JESUS!!! Anybody'shwho, this post is going to be fairly brief. In a few of my posts I mentioned that I was publishing a fiction novel. WELP, that book is here and running baby! I wrote it three years ago YES CHILE! Nevertheless, I pressed my way through and made it HAPPEN! Somebody say, "Hard work PAYS OFF!" It sure does. I have been raising a lot of hoopla about my baby via FACEBOOK and people have been shooting me messages regarding my child TEARS OF KING. The universal question that I have been asked, "What's your book about?" And because I can be a bit long winded, I decided to spell it out right here right now for those of you who are afraid to admit that you said,