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Showing posts from November, 2013

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

According to, there are 7 BILLION people in the world today. Did you read that? 7 BILLION! That’s an amazing figure if you ask me. It’s amazing because GOD took a few handfuls of dirt and breathed His own breath into a creature, a man, and He named him Adam. Then He pulled a rib from Adam and made another creature, a woman, and He named her Eve. From Adam and Eve came the FIRST OFFSPRINGS OF HUMANITY, Cain and Abel. After Cain KILLED Abel, Adam and Eve had more children and their children had children and so on, and so on and VOILA, 7 BILLION PEOPLE are on this Earth! But wait, let’s go back to that whole shebang about Cain killing Abel. How did this happen? The celebration of LIFE in the Garden of Eden had just begun and you mean to tell me somebody was killed ALREADY? You’ve got to be kidding me yo! Ya homeboy Cain got jealous of Abel basically because Abel received more favor from God. And it was not because God was showing any kind of favoritism either.

Out of Town Shooters

"Somebody prayed for me. Had me on their mind. Took the time to praaaay for me. I'm so glad they prayed! I'm so glad they prayed! I'm so glad they praaayed for me!" Those are the lyrics of one of the easiest hymms I learned my first year being in the GANG OF JESUS! I came from out the world and off the streets NAKED (not literally lol), when five years ago, I joined the church that I'm now an ACTIVE MEMBER. Before that, I knew nothing about NOTHING in regards to the church. I just knew my life was hydroplaning out of control and SOMEBODY by the NAME OF JESUS could take the wheel and keep me from falling off a cliff. It was DO OR DIE for me you feel me? I used to purposely come to church sometimes a little early. Before service and before Sunday school, until it became a habit. Why? I always looked forward to hearing a certain woman pray. I'm telling you, this lady could brush the clouds away and pull the sky apart with her prayers! POWERFUL PRAYERS y

Unbreak My Heart, God

A few days ago I sat in my castle meditating after experiencing an emotional breakdown. As I traveled through my thoughts I began to count how many times I’ve experienced a broken heart. I counted three major heartbreaks. My first heartbreak happened when I was 20 after my first boyfriend told me he didn’t want to work on our relationship. I remembered being so distraught and hurt, I left out of my home during a snow storm and walked. I had no destination whatsoever. I just walked and cried. I didn’t know how to treat that broken heart the RIGHT WAY , so I embarked upon a journey of careless yet perpetrated assaults on other people’s hearts. This led me right into MY SECOND HEARTBREAK. I thought I could handle being in a FRIEND’S WITH BENEFITS relationship with someone, but I couldn’t. When this thing BLEW UP in my face and I found out I was just a chess piece in a game that I SIGNED UP for, it pained me. It hurt me more when I found out I wasn’t the only woman in this game and