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Showing posts from January, 2018

Swollen Hearts

Three nights ago I saw a dark valley filled with beating hearts. They all were beating at different paces. I noticed that they were enlarged. They didn't look normal. Then I heard, "swollen hearts." I asked myself, "Is it possible to have a heart that's big because it's filled with so much pain?" Could it be that some of the most beautiful, sweetest, and most loving people you will ever meet are the ones walking around with swollen hearts? Hearts filled with raw love but held captive by hurt, betrayal, and disappointment?  I can tell someone has a swollen heart when I listen to how he or she talks and how he or she moves and how they interact with others.  People with swollen hearts are notorious commitment phobes. They are committed to being uncommitted. Why? Because at some point in their lives they created the committee. They were the epitome of die-hard commitment, poster children at best, but something or somebody broke them.  Imagine som

Many Are the Afflictions...

Even with life and all of its contraptions, complexities, perplexing corners, and daring turns and plot twists, I believe I've discovered it can actually be placed into two categories or situations. One night, I saw a vision of a child playing with a silver slinky and it was going back and forth in his hands. Imagine one end of that slinky says, "I don't want this to end." and the other side of that slinky says, "I can't wait until this is over." These are the two situations I've summed life up to be. Moments full of pure bliss and moments of heart wrenching angst. Moments where life just seems to get a little easier and moments where life seems to get much harder.  How does a believer justify their faith when a season or two of their lives can be compared to a pinata being hit multiple times? How does a believer keep their eyes on the God who seemed like they could feel His breath on their face during the good days but can't seem to get a

(Sniff Sniff) "What is that I smell?" #CARNALITY!!!!

Well hello there! We are literally, smack dab in the middle of the first month of what is still considered a fairly new year. I can tell you that there's so many areas of opportunity for each of us to explore and no actual pressure to have these areas look a certain way according to any particular bystander. In other words, I know where I'm lacking, at the moment and you should for yourself. Now. it's time to figure out how to reverse these lacks and turn them into gains!  Speaking of lacks... I have a question for all of my believers and those who may be wavering and reading this post, " If Jesus paid the price for you , then what is your change?" I warn you now that this post may offend you. I actually want it to.  When I decided to breathe life back into this page, I went from my first post in 2013 to the last post in 2015. I could see my tremendous growth. I could see my maturation. I could see my blood and wounds. My creativity. My demons. I cou

Blue God

2 Chronicles 6:18 "But will God indeed dwell with mankind on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You; how much less this house which I have built. I saw a meme that was re-shared Monday on Facebook that said something like this, “I’m not an atheist it’s just my concept of God is different from yours. Your God lives in the sky. My God lives in me.” Then the original person who shared the meme captioned a prose condemning people for leaving their seemingly warm homes to go to church and also following up under “pimping pastors.” My spirit was immediately vexed. I asked myself, “Where did this person get this information from?" This is a perfect example of how the enemy has people so wound up in SELF-deception that it’s not even funny anymore. From a very tender age (Read- Confessions of an Ex-Atheist ), I myself knew that God does not live in the sky! Come on! You’ve got to be kidding me! This is what the devil is using to trip people up

Confessions of an Ex-Atheist

My, has time flown since my last post in 2015! We're officially three days into year 2018! Happy New Year to you, my wonderful readers and supporters of this blog. I deeply apologize for leaving you. It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to! Haha! I'm going to be very honest with you about what happened. I was kidnapped and then I escaped! Lol  No seriously, I disobeyed God when it came to a very important move I was supposed to make in 2014 and this cost me greatly. So much so, my desire to continue with this blog was stomped out of me among other things. I'll share more about this in a later post, I promise!  Until then I have this confession... This past October I turned 9 years old in God and I couldn't be more excited. I shared on my conference call I held this past weekend, that prior to these years, I ping ponged between being an atheist and agnostic depending on how depressed and rebellious I was at