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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Usual Suspects

Well Happy Wednesday beautiful people! It is officially the last week of the first quarter  of what was considered a new year. Question? After what month is the year no longer considered new? Hmmm.... Moving right along, if you're reading this and you don't know me personally when I tell you this, I love movies! I like getting some snacks and watching a good ole movie. Aside from an action film, I preferably gravitate towards suspense thrillers. You know like the, "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," "Gone Girl," or "Inception." The ones that grip you by the collar and makes you think afterwards or even cause you to gasp before the credits roll up.  The clip above comes from a movie called, "The Usual Suspects," it happens to be a combination of both, but it was released in the 90s.  While many kids my age at the time were scraping knees and eating mud pies, I was in the house watching movies like these. Beca

Lethal Weapons

I remember one day at work sometime last year, I was sitting at my cubicle minding my own business when I caught a very pungent smell. I asked my colleagues if they'd smelled it. They asked me to explain the smell. I told them it smelled like a possum. Of course they all laughed. I laughed too though. Because I've never actually smelled a possum a day in my 31 years of living to know its scent. However, this creature was the first thing that came to mind. Needless to say, my colleagues carried on an entire drawn out but funny conversation about what a possum could smell like. All the while my nostrils continued to be arrested and harassed by this stench.  A little later, I heard another colleague on the opposite side of the office chatting with someone. And I specifically heard him say, "I decided to get back into working out again. I brought my gym bag with me so that I can go straight to the gym after work." My eyes lit up! Imagine my excitement upon heari

As a Man Thinketh...

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 When's the last time you actually held a conference with your thoughts? Did you know that some of the thoughts that you have about yourself are in deep conflict with the thoughts that God have about you?  Even just your regular thoughts about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness, probably are in direct contrast of God's thoughts. Listen to these two messages real quick from one of my favorite Generals, the late Dr. Myles Munroe, "Nothing is worse than the wrong mentality." "You are whatever is in your sub-conscious mind." I remember telling this to a gym room full of women at a women's conference in 2014, "Stinking thinking, produces putrid results." Look at every area of your life. These areas are a reflection of what thought patterns are governing them. You're at a dead end job, because of your thinking. You're in a dead end relationship, because o

Can You Repeat That? (God is That You?: Part II)

John 10:27-28  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: I felt the urgent need to hammer last week's post " God is That You? "down just a little more for concrete understanding. I heard your questions even though you didn't personally direct them to me. I heard your questions when I read that post as if I myself didn't write it. I read it as if I was a babe in Christ or a growing believer.  If you didn't read last week's post I encourage you to do so. I explored the basics of developing the type of relationship with God that involves you actively listening for His voice, while also developing a technique to help you put a muzzle on your desires which often distorts what God is ultimately saying. Your relationship with God should never be one sided. Meaning you should be pursuing conversations with God on a regular basis that includes Him responding to your inquiries and petitions. Below is a small list to help you different