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Showing posts from February, 2019

Love Potion #9

Leviticus 19:31   “Don’t dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums; you’ll pollute your souls. I am God, your God." Leiticus 20:6  “If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people." " Cupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go, straight to my lover's heart for me!  Cupid, please hear my cry and let your arrow fly, straight to my lover's heart for me!" *Snapping fingers*  These words belong to one of my favorite songs by the late singer, Sam Cooke.  I was singing this one day and then something hit me.  Here we go again with the mention of that little naked angel baby shooting heart arrows at loose people!  But Sam Cooke, rest his soul actually was praying to it in this song.  Asking it to arouse love in a person who didn't even know he existed! I'm like, WAIT A MINUTE! Isn't that a witchcraft prayer?  Any

When A Man Findeth...

  Proverbs 18:22  "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord." Current mood: I have some splendid news! Last week one of my colleagues was inspired to restart her blog after almost 4 years! I'd been trying to get her to do this since we'd met. Nothing like picking up something you left behind and realizing it's one of the things that you've always needed.  That sounds like a word. Then one of my homeboys called me on Valentine's day and solicited my wisdom for proposing to his long time girlfriend. He was a little nervous about what her response might be. I basically told him that he needed to prepare himself more to be emotionally and mentally available for her once they say, "I do." As opposed to trying to brace himself for rejection. I also informed him that marriage does nothing but magnify what has and hasn't been dealt with prior to a couples' nuptials and exposes anything that

Waiting for Superman

Songs of Solomon 2:8  "Listen! My beloved!  Look! Here he comes,  leaping across the mountains,  bounding over the hills." Well hello there! It's Misses Kill Your Vibes ALL 2019!!  And look a-here, tomorrow is Valentines Day. One of the most overrated, hyper worshipped, super advertised pagan holidays behind Christmas!  I HATE IT. You don't even get that day off for work. Yet people get worked up off an imaginary naked angel baby shooting heart arrows at other loose people.  I do not have time for that kind of violence.  I never do. I never did. Somehow I stumbled upon a section on my Facebook page that I thought no longer existed! So in 2009, as blogging begin to gain traction, Facebook would allow you a space to write notes. I would take advantage of it of course way before I started this page. It was pretty cool reading the stuff I wrote until I stumbled upon a host of love poems to some fantasy man god I'd molded from my imagination.