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Showing posts from March, 2019


Proverbs 31:10  Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. I love the woman. Not just because I am a woman, but because she's another one of God's most remarkable works of art. Pulled from the man to be a capable co-partner for him and to assist in meeting the demands of this grand luxe garden called Eden. The architecture of a woman is simply divine. Not only was the woman sculpted in such a way to appeal to man's eyes, but also in a way to receive the man's seed. Ultimately launching this momentous phenomenon; childbirth. Her womb is God's canvas. A literal stage where He continues His poetry in motion. Isn't that something? I remember crawling through the Baptist door of the Christian faith at the tender age of 22 and how my introduction to a pathological fascination for the archetypal Proverbs 31:10 woman would quickly follow. A large portion of the early stages of my faith-walk actually involved my aspirations to be a


DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS????  IT'S MY BLOGVERSARY !  Welp technically this coming Friday, March 22, 2019, Tanzy Alexis' Said It,   will be 7 years old!  Even though I spent close to 3 out of these 7 years in hiatus, I must include that time away as part of the rebirthing phase of this blog.  Plus biblically, the number 7 means completion. I believe this 7th year is a pivotal one.  If you've been with me since day ONE, day one, you'll see my multiple transitions. I really had no true blueprint or concept for this space that I created. I just was going with the flow.  When I relaunched this blog last year, I purposely partnered with God to guide my creative input. It's been a heck of a ride to say the least. BUT , I have no desire to put my pen down anytime soon unless He instructs me to otherwise. Needless to say, you can pretty much assume that today, there will be no regular blog post in observation of this mini holiday of mine.  Awwww!! D

Boys Do Cry

Psalm 42:3  My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, "Where is your God?" I love the man. The masculine version of God. The one God summoned the dusts of the earth to come together to create him in the beginning and invested His breath into, before He created woman.  The one He gave complete dominion and authority to and trusted to manage this great luscious expanse called Eden.  The one installed with God's divine confidence to survey all of the living creatures  unlike him  roaming the earth, to give names to. The one God gave his first commandment to.  I've always admired the makeup of men. I believe this admiration was first birthed after my family and I were abruptly displaced and forced to move to one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Chicago; Englewood, during my last year in elementary school.  I was so unable to relate to and make friends with the girls in that area we lived, so I would immediately go i

Sweat Like Blood

Luke 22:44  "And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." Happy March beautiful people of God! It’s a great day and time to be alive! Don’t you think? I want to take the time out really quick to thank those who’ve been faithfully coming through here since January of this year. I’ve been dropping some heavy bombs and you’ve chosen to stay on my rollercoaster. Those who’ve successively managed to look at the things I've presented, objectively and not subjectively, kudos to you.  Y'all the real MVP! Some No Limit Soldiers for real! Ha! So last week’s post, Love Potion #9 , peaked as the most read post so far for me this year.  That was a hard post for me because it came from a very dark space. I actually wasn’t even anticipating revisiting.  I'm glad I did though.  I pray you were able to see the necessity of supreme emotional surveillance and the always available opportunity to re