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Lovely Bones

Ezekial 37:2-3
He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

Ok, sooooooo I know I mentioned last week that November is the month where fall transitions to winter but I was NOT yet prepared for this snow that we got here in Chicago. I mean it snowed, snowed. It's a legit winter wonderland up here. #GoodandTerrible. 
I was looking forward to being cute for the fall. Fall has always been my secret runway. Now I'm SALTY! Ha! 
Y'all see what I did there?
Guess I'll have to settle for dressing up like an Eskimo. 

Listen, the memories feature on Facebook has been blessing me lately. I primarily like to utilize it to see how much I've grown. I was able to watch a video blog of mine I'd posted from seven years ago. I was only a tender 3 year old babe in the faith. 
It's funny because back then, I thought I knew everything. 

My response now watching the video was like, 
'What do you know? You're only 3!"
I wish I could go back and tell myself, 
"Daughter, you're going to get your derrière handed to you a few times over, during this walk. But, you'll be ok." 

Anyway, the subject of this particular vlog was DIVINE ORDER. 
It's ironic how what I was trying to convey in that message ties into parts of the prophetic word for this month that I shared in last week's post.

I need you all to understand something, the God we serve is the God of divine order. 
Not to be confused with our futile attempts to maintain a status quo. 
He has invested great stock into ensuring that whatever is out of order, complacent with staying out of order, defiant in managing order, will be aggressively urged to 

It's because a lot of beautiful blessings are birthed through divine order. On the other hand, Ishmaels are birthed through disorder. Catch that please. 
What's an Ishmael you ask? 

In the bible God told Abraham and Sarah that they would give birth to a child. Because they didn't believe God's word, Sarah told her maidservant to sleep with Abraham. The maidservant conceived a son who would be named Ishmael. 
That was NOT the demo that God set up for them. 

Needless to say, 
God is very much in the mood for rectifying this rampant Ishmael situation that's going on out here. 
It's creating unnecessary problems and bringing God great grief.
He must intervene by provoking divine order.
Just how?  I have no ready or comprehensible idea. 
You are welcomed to take this up with Him though. 


As we segue way into today's discussion, how well do you know yourself? 
What parts of yourself have you buried or given up on? 
When was the last time you asked Holy Spirit to search you and to revive the dead parts of you? 
Are you interested in experiencing a total revival of self? 

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to you all for frequently using a biblical expression that I'd assumed everyone were familiar with. 
I'm a huge proponent of DYING TO SELF. 

But I was watching a video on Youtube this weekend, where two authors were speaking on the topic of the subtle effects of spiritual abuse and they posed this statement, 
"It's dangerous to tell people to die to self when they don't know themselves." 
They went on to say, that this will lead people to engage in an unscrupulous works based relationship with Jesus. 

If you don't know yourself how do you know what to die to? 
Dying to self simply means denying the parts of yourself that is in direct conflict with Jesus while also knowing that this is very much impossible to do without him. 

The reason why Jesus was able to take his position on the cross for all of mankind, was because he'd already allowed his broken self to interact with the divine when he stated in Matthew 26:39, 
"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

That's what the engagement of dying to self looks like. It's the separation from some part of yourself prior to a complete surrender to God. 
I pray this makes sense.
Read it again if you must. 

So back to my initial question. 
How well do you know yourself? 
Do you know what parts of yourself needs to die and what parts of yourself needs to be revived? 

In Ezekial 37, God took the prophet in the spirit to a valley filled with dry bones and asked him if they could live. Ezekial responded (paraphrasing), 
"I wouldn't know. I mean you're God." 

Of course God knew the bones could live. 
He needed Ezekial to know that they could live. 
Not only that, He needed to set it up so that Ezekial would find out that he had the potential to revive them. 

What if I told you that God will send you to places that have been neglected, ravaged, mismanaged, and/or overlooked to speak life into? 
What if I told you that He will do this to revive within you what's been neglected, ravaged, mismanaged, and/or overlooked?
You know, if God can make multiple moves in one swoop, He most definitely will. 

Ezekial 37:14
I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.

On up until this point, Ezekial had been inaugurated into the office of the prophet, appointed as a watchman, given access to see the awful dealings of the elders behind the scenes, authorized to judge, given room to lament, and received prophecies and explanations for what was transpiring in certain areas surrounding him. 

God had even given him the privilege in chapter 36 to know His plans for restoring Israel back to prosperity and health after its inevitable destruction. 
This was all that Ezekial knew he himself was capable of. 

We reach chapter 37, the most popular account in this book, which revealed how God allowed a mere mortal to be an extension of Himself as he prophesied to a pile of bones. 
This would reiterate what God had spoken to Ezekial in the previous chapter. 

I want to tell you today, that your next chapter will be but a reiteration of what God has spoken to you in this current chapter. It will be a manifestation of what He's already stated. 
Because God is not a man that He should lie, everything He's promised you has to come to past. 
There's a small requirement. 

You're going to have to actively participate in the fruition of these promises. 
You're going to have to allow God to take you to your valley of dry bones. 
You're going to have speak intention back into these dry bones. 
You're going to have to become reacquainted with the parts of yourself that was slain and corroded by, disappointment, betrayal, loss, shame, defeat, etc. 

The good thing is, you don't have to do this by yourself. God would like to accompany you in this endeavor. You just need to know that you're capable of so much more. You have what it takes. What's in you is valuable. It's time to stop listening to anything that's contradictory. 

It's time to stop comparing yourself or measuring yourself up against the next person. 
What's in you was never designed to be pitted against what's operating in someone else. 
You have a specific assignment that will respond to whatever is uniquely encoded in YOU!

You're royal because God is royal. You're majestic because God is majestic. You're powerful because God is powerful. 
Strip earthly titles, positions, and platforms away, the aforementioned will still be true about you.
There's so much in you that God has given you the authority to prophesy back to LIFE!

You may have encountered some people, places, things, or ideas that obliterated your confidence or made you feel less than what you're capable of. 
You may have felt forced to give up your power or to hide the best parts of you. 

You may have felt like you needed to dumb yourself down to keep others from feeling insecure. 
You may have given up your creativity to the opinions of others.
You may have been imitating the cadence of someone else. 
Or echoing someone else's language. 
You may have been operating way below your caliber to maintain relationships. 
This is why God wants to take you down this journey. 

Be honest with yourself, you were flying at a dangerously low frequency this year. This left you open to a few unnecessary attacks on your self esteem and confidence since you were looking for acceptance and assistance with what you were carrying.
You wound up dropping almost all of your gifts in a dark valley to dry rot as a result of this.  
That's fine though. This is your second wind. 

There's a valley of lovely bones resting in your soul that is waiting on you to tap in with the one and only true and living God to release a spoken word over.
These lovely bones have been long overdo for a resurrection! 
You have resurrection power sitting in the belly of your womb anticipating an ignition. 

You have permission to be EVERYTHING God has predestined you to be. 
You have permission to experience your full wing span. 
Is this resonating with you? 

Never mind what you originally thought.
You've always had permission! 
There have been demonic systems and traps designated to make you think otherwise, but I'm telling you as an oracle of GOD, YOU HAVE PERMISSION! 
Reinvest your trust in GOD and accept that you have prophetic jurisdiction over yourself.
Loose yourself from anything that doesn't agree with this.

It does not matter what anyone else thinks when God sees you as a finished work. 
Nothing that anyone has ever spoken over you has enough bandwidth to come against the breath of God that's in YOU! 
There are parts of you that needs to die. But there are parts of you that needs to live. 
It's up to you to figure out what those parts are. 

Go ahead and take this trip so you can prophesy to your lovely bones. 
And see don't they spark the revival you've been waiting for years to happen in your life. 
I'm excited for you!
No bone is a lost cause. No bone is a wasted effort. No bone is a mistake.
The real you is waiting. Your true assignment is waiting
It's time to cosign with our perfect Father to call these things forth!


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