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Showing posts from September, 2018


It is September 26, 2018 and I am officially 32 years old!!!!  BLOW YOUR TRUMPETS! Haha! It is a great day to be alive, indeed!  I decided to give my scriber's anointing a break for this week as there will be no blog post for today.  *And the audience groans, "Aawwwww!"*  It's ok. Don't cry! We'll be back to our regularly, scheduled programming next week!  Since you're here though, I need a HUGE favor of you. In 2016 I was a vendor at the Black Women's Expo here in Chicago. Unfortunately, I was unable to sell as many books as I'd anticipated, a situation I might expound on later. (Oh, there's always a story!)   Needless to say, I will be physically transitioning from one place to another very soon and I have hardcopies of my first born, my novel Tears of Kings   on hand that I MUST get rid of before the end of this year.  I feel like blessing some people! So in celebration of my birthday,  I need at least 32 peopl

The Crying Game

Genesis 3:11-12 " Who told you that you were naked? God asked. "Did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat?" The man answered, "The woman whom you provided for me gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate some of it."  I'm the oldest out of three between me and my siblings. I have an older half sister but she didn't grow up with us. Needless to say, since I was technically the oldest, I placed the pressure on myself to be a good example for my sister and brother. I never gave myself room to make mistakes. I can probably count on one hand how many times I needed to be checked for doing something wrong.  One time when I was five years old, I threw a tantrum because there was no space for me to sleep on the convertible let-out couch with my siblings and my two cousins who'd come to spend the night. I was the unlucky one who was told to go to sleep in my bedroom because there was no way five children were going to comfortably

Two Faced

Psalms 55:21 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.  Hey y'all! Y'all still love me? Ha! I had a little shake and bake session last week with my last post Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty  and my continued discussion via  Facebook . Some light fixtures were disturbed and feathers were ruffled of course. But, I wasn't really expecting the kind of positive response that I received. I'm grateful. Nevertheless, a looming tension remains which for me is to be expected.  I can't  get caught up in any of it enough to care right now though. So, let us do some backtracking shall we? While we're here somewhat remaining in the same vein. I mentioned to my Facebook audience that you can almost always tell how loyal a person will be to you based off of how loyal they are to God. This revelation in itself will save you a lot of energy and keep you from scouring for tell-t

Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty

Proverbs 20:6  Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, But who can find a faithful and trustworthy man? Well happy September to you all! I've seen many proclaim this month as the birthing month or the month of new birth. How ironic for me, because this is the month I was actually born! I'll be celebrating my birthday at the end of this month and I'm sort of excited about what this new year of life has to bring and the expansive moves of God that will come along with it.  In other news, over the course of my walk with God, I've learned some things about platonic relationships. One of the things I've learned is that God places value on them just as He does in romantic relationships. In John 15:15, Jesus told the disciples that He no longer called them servants but friends. And just before that verse He said, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man would lay his life down for his friends."  This was an endearing sentiment but al