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Showing posts from 2019

Thank You, Next!

Hello there! Thank you to each and every soul that stopped by today.  I appreciate you all so much! I really pray that at least one of my posts this year blessed you in some way. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into them.  No lies. This year didn't turn out nearly the way that I expected.  But you know, I can dig it . I feel light. Free. Optimistic. And at peace.  It's a pretty dope space to be in if you were to ask me.  Just so you all know, this will actually be my last post indefinitely.  Nothing is wrong. All is well on my end. I'm just following God's cues and hanging up the jersey for this season.  He told me last week's post,  Lovely Bones   was a good note to end on.  Two weeks earlier than last year and 43 blog topics sitting in my drafts... SAY WHAAAT?!   To be honest, He'd been giving me hints that this would be my last year here sharing from this platform. I believe He's prepping me for more visibility. The only rea

Lovely Bones

Ezekial 37:2-3 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” Ok, sooooooo I know I mentioned last week that November is the month where fall transitions to winter but I was NOT yet prepared for this snow that we got here in Chicago. I mean it snowed, snowed. It's a legit winter wonderland up here. #GoodandTerrible.  I was looking forward to being cute for the fall. Fall has always been my secret runway. Now I'm SALTY ! Ha!  Y'all see what I did there? Guess I'll have to settle for dressing up like an Eskimo.  Listen, the memories feature on Facebook has been blessing me lately. I primarily like to utilize it to see how much I've grown. I was able to watch a video blog of mine I'd posted from seven years ago. I was only a tender 3 year old babe in the faith.  It's funny because back then, I thought I knew everything.  My


Matthew 5:13  You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. The day after I published my last week's post about deception , I had a dream of myself walking into a school with a group of people. I don't remember who exactly they were. I do remember they were all taller than me as my head met their shoulders and they wore tan business suits.  We were less than halfway down the hall of the school when I heard growling and grumbling. I looked to my right and saw a man that resembled my old 1st Sgt . from JROTC in highschool. He was positioned in between two rows of red lockers. He had on all black with a black skull cap. He was tearing up cardboard, kicking, and spitting.  I said out loud, "Oh! He scared me!"   The group seemed unfazed while I continued to walk with them.  The dream transitioned from me no longer walking wit


Matthew 15:14  Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. I remember I'd attended an event where I'd assisted with prophetic worship. I'd discerned that something was off in the atmosphere but I couldn't put a finger on it.  Have you ever walked into a space in the natural and smelled a whiff of something pungent?  And you asked yourself after sniffing a couple of times,  "What is that? What is that smell?"  This was how I felt, yet from a spiritual perspective.  Shortly after worship, a man of God had come up to the podium to share his testimony about how God came through for him in a financial manner. Then he solicited everyone to sow an offering. I sowed a seed and sat back down still bothered by an alarm going off in my spirit.  The man of God gave a brief introduction of who'd be speaking that night, a prophet from Africa whom he'd met some time ago.  The prophet took to th

Trauma Bonds

2 Corinthians 6:16 What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people. I don't think I've ever actually made it clear that I set this blog up as a literary confessional for myself; the ex-atheist and ex-heathen. So when I share my stories, it's not in an effort to bring attention to me at all. But to put an old version of myself on blast as I find correlations with whatever topic I'm discussing and to show how scriptures can be applied to real life situations.  The last couple of years of my journey in God has involved me challenging what I believe via the scriptures to bring some clarity to events I've experienced in the past.  It's been quite an adventure folks.  I really hope you all have been blessed by my candor.  With that being said, I am partly the byproduct of these inve