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Showing posts from May, 2013


Woop woop! I'm still feeling the high from this weekend! Plus I was on a mini vacation so I'm feeling really nice and refreshed! So how was you all's Memorial Day? Grand? Mines was too even though I spent my holiday in solitary confinement. lol I couldn't go anywhere foreal! I think I updated my status on facebook once. Why? My writing held me captive yo! (If you're a writer you feel me) Anybody'swho, I haven't been paying attention to the news lately so I was extremely shocked to hear that the guy who shot and killed six month old Jonylah Watkins a few months ago, turned himself in this past Saturday. I was relieved to hear the good news that the streets was rid of one more monster. So initially we all suspected and the police concluded that the baby was not the intended target, that in fact it was her father (who actually survived the shooting). If this doesn't disturb you, brace yourself for this, the guy who shot and killed little Jonylah appare

How to Kill a Child

I’ve been teaching Sunday school for the primary department (ages 3-9) at my church for almost four years now and boy has it changed me. I used to hate kids. Let me say that again. I used to HATE KIDS . I lacked the patience and empathy for them. Don’t let one start crying…I would have a fit my dang on self. I would scowl at them and call them heathens when I saw them acting unruly. I would argue with them, trip them, (YUP!), laugh at them, and run from them. I couldn’t stand them, JESUS! Then something happened. One faithful Sunday I was directed by the late great Arthur T. Bonds to go teach for THESE HEATHENS . I was disgusted! I walked into the classroom expecting to be annoyed but I wasn’t. I saw there little angelic faces and their happy eyes. That hardened cast around my heart started to peel off. My hatred towards them, transformed into compassion. It took a minute though for my drill sergeant ways to die down but the more and more I began to spend time with them the

What Success Is

So I was looking over the statistics of my blog and noticed that my last post, The Holding Pattern , only got 4 views. Which I'm pretty sure I'm probably responsible for 2 of them. (And YES I do read my posts a few times after I publish them, that's how I perfect my craft)  Before I could get discouraged, I thought about my journey as a person, a woman seeking and holding herself fearlessly reponsible for relaying the truth (As I know it *wink*) by any means necessary, and I couldn't help but be proud of myself. So I decided to count all of this as a huge part of my coming SUCCESS . "Action is the fund a mental key to success." Pablo Picasso WHAT SUCCESS IS .... I have observed more and more that society has a skewed view of what success is. The person with the nice car, the most money, the nicest clothes etc are deemed to be successful. And you see droves of people running to gas stations and stores to play the lottery expecting to HIT IT BIG

The Holding Pattern

Once again I am in a weird spot right now. You know for the most part I can tell when something is a little off in my life, either, it's too noisy and things are happening back to back or it's too quiet and  NOTHING is happening, AT ALL! I also notice a weirdness when I become  SUPER RESTLESS , uncomfortable, and  irritable in a certaim area of my life. Well, I'm super restless, uncomfortable, and irritable. It's too quiet and nothing is happening at all, so it's safe to assume that I am in a HOLDING PATTERN. ( like I said, I've been here before) THE HOLDING PATTERN-   1. usually circular pattern flown by aircraft awaiting clearance to land at an airport. 2. Informal A state of waiting or delay; a static situation. Now don't get me wrong, I see movement and progress in areas that were as dry as the Sahara desert. Ha! But then other areas are STILL DRY . (Ain't nothing poppin shawty lol) Yesterday I wanted to throw a tantrum so bad because I


Tell me why I got into it with a BIBLE THUMPER a few days ago! Say what? Chile BOOM! Yes, I did. I know you may be thinking, "Wait, ain't you a bible thumper? I mean the way you talk about God, I would think you were a bible thumper." OH THE CONTRARE! I may be a BONAFIDE JESUS FANATIC. I may even share a few scriptures with you and there's a great chance that if you're my friend on Facebook , you'll see a stat about God at lease once a day, but  I'AINT  no BIBLE THUMPER. There's a difference? YES chile there's a difference. You see there's something really wrong with BIBLE THUMPERS! Like seriously WRONG ! (Their circuitboards are screwed mayne! lol) Here's the problem, they don't know how to do ONE THING . #1>They don't know how to  INCORPORATE the BIBLE into REALITY! o_0 what? SON OF A BIBLE THUMPING IDIOT! First let me tell you what me and this thumper got into it about. I believe I'd mentioned something about w

How Will You Know?

This weekend was explosively EXPLOSIVE! My church is so awesome mayne! You should REALLY reconsider what you're doing with your life on Sundays and come with me HERE ! I promise you, you will enjoy yourself on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings! We stay turned up! lol Anybody'swho, one day I was having a conversation with someone about meeting the one GOD has for you and waiting until you are introduced to that person.. I was expressing how I have made up in my mind that I'm done being my own matchmaker. Cuz to be honest each time I tried  to do so, it ended in   DISASTER! Going out on dates can be fun. You get to meet new people and switch up your regular routine a little. You get to express yourself and hear another person's perspective on life or what not. But lately I have become somewhat annoyed with the dating scene. Dating as a Christian is very different from dating as a person of the world. The boundaries are different and some people (depending o

The Wicked Will Be in the Lead....But NOT for Too Long

A few days ago I was slightly in my feelings. (as this isn't really unusual lol) I was semi tripping because I started to compare my life to those who ain't NEVER trying to be ABOUT THAT LIFE! If you don't know by now what I mean about being ABOUT THAT LIFE , read an old post of mines HERE . Yeah, I started to wonder, WHY IN THE HELL does it seem like these people are doing BETTER THAN ME? Wait, now hear me out! Lol I may have a very strong competitive side to me, but in this case, my competitiveness has NOTHING to do with me feeling some kind of way. (Really, it doesn't!) People who could care less about being obedient to God, are however more focused on satisfiying EVERY BIT OF THEIR FLESH , and their out here and they GETTIN' IT! Stuntin', flashin', flossin', poppin, snackin' and shackin'! While the ones who are serious about GOD, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, BY OURSELVES, are barely able to scrape what's left of the bottom of the ba