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Showing posts from April, 2013


This weekend was absolutely lovely in regards to the weather. The sun was glorious, the wind was magnificent, and the sky was great! I decided to walk to the lake with my yorkie Noah. We weren't that far from our destination when a guy sitting on a bench asked me what kind of dog was Noah. Mind you Noah isn't your typical yorkie. (which is why I love him so much!) He's a yorkie chihuahuah mix. He doesn't really look like either. Well a short conversation about my dog shifted into a very deep and mentally stimulating conversation with this guy I'm going to call him Mr. MildDud Eyes. We talked about everything! My book (especially), choices, people, and matters of the heart. I just remember him saying, "You're different. You're very different." I tend to get that response from people often. Anybody'swho, as easy as I can be pulled into or turned on by a conversation, that's how easy I can be turned off. Me and Mr.MilkDud Eyes talked liter

Put That Load Down Chile!

??QUESTION?? Have you ever been in the car with someone who was terrible on their breaks. I mean they had you thinking, "They killing them breaks, yo. They gone run this car into the dirt." Everything has a maximum operating compacity. Everything? EVERY-THING ! This includes your body. Panic attacks, exhaustion, and chronic fatigue are all examples of your body being pushed to the limit! Your spirit has a maximum operating capacity as well. Depression. insomnia, and believe it or not headaches and migraines (you been thinking too hard!) are symptoms of your spirit being forced past its comfortable levels of capabilities. So I think this is the perfect place to say it, PUT THAT LOAD DOWN CHILE! Yesterday I was experiencing a terrible headache. My head felt like it was about to pop! Anybody remember that movie I'm Gone Get You Sucka when the character played by actor Jim Brown couldn't run anymore because he had a bunion on his toe. LOL!!! He took his shoe off a

Ya Know My LOVE Has a Limit!

Keri Hilson had a song a few years back titled, "Breaking Point", basically letting her man fella know, "Looky here, ain't gone be no bullsh!t tolerated in this camp anymore playa, cuz my love has a limit!" (Can somebody say BOOM!) "Have you ever done anything crazy for love and if so what can you tell everybody else?" That's the question my pastor asked those same nine people he put on blast last week during bible study (I'm looking forward to somebody following me this Wednesday at 6:50 RIGHT HERE! ) They answered honestly too. But I was irritated. (Sometimes THE WORD will do that to ya!) I wasn't feeling nobody's cool with the fact that these discussions had me replaying memories of my LOST days. Really though, my mind trailed so far back to this place I took two jet planes and a spaceship to get away from. I was so uncomfortable ya'll, I felt nauseous. "It ain't even that serious Tanzy. Why were you so uncomfo

To Be or Not To Be About That Life? ....That is the Question!

You should have followed me to my church for bible study yesterday. (Somebody say "Off the chizzzzaiiin!'). Now this is the only time I wouldn't mind somebody following me. Lol. It seems like I've been recieving alot of revelations on Wednesday nights. So look, this is what happened. We had about nine people, married, divorced, never married, put on the spot by my pastor. He asked them a question similar to this, "Considering your roots in the church, have you considered being celibate? If so how long?" The answers they gave were great! Why were they great? Because they were honest! Some were a little ambiguous but I still was able to fill in the blanks. Collectively I gathered that all of them participated in the act of being celibate at some point of time in their life." I applauded the two women who shared that they have been celibate for 5 to 7 years. Say what? YES chile! I thought this was an awesome discussion because  THE CHURCH  really don&

The Pot of Gold at the End of The Rainbow IS REAL!

Wow, ya'll, God has really been making himself known in my life these past few weeks. (Follow My Facebook Page  to get the 411. Not like I needed to be reintroduced to Him. (or maybe I did) But I have figured out the method to His awesomeness, just at this very moment. He's doing what He's doing in my life and making up a whole bunch of noise so that YOU (Yes you chile!) can see Him for yourself. I just dare you to try Him like I've tried Him! You'll like the way He makes you feel. You'll like the way He smells, the way He tastes, the way He sounds. So, I know you're thinking like, "What, in the Kanyeezy?" But I'm telling you, once you have allowed Him to take full control of your life, He'll begin to invade all of your senses! Like BOOM ! Anybody'swho, if you don't know me, I have to share this thing about myself; I LOVE TO READ ! I read some of everything. Mostly positive things or things that may better me as a person and/or

If It Ain't for Sale Take the Merchandise Out the Window!

                              So, I'm happy to say that after about a few days of antying up (is "antying" even a word?) on advertising this blog I got three followers! Woop Woop! Now, to your standards three followers may sound wack, but I am a woman that do not despise humble beginnings. I just got to keep postiing cuz like I mentioned in my last post  EYES WIDE SHUT  there are people who will remain eyes wide shut until they SEE something. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Which is cool with me. I will continue to post and advertise this baby till I reach the moon with three followers or 3000 followers! Since I mentioned the word "advertise", I think it would be a good idea to start my next topic of discussion.  A-D-V-E-R-T-I-S-E . Advertise- to praise a commercial product: to publicize the qualities of a product, service, business, or event in order to encourage people to buy or use it. That was's definition for adver


I want to play a game. Lol! Not like in the movie SAW. (The first two SAWs were good but after that... fart!) Anybody'swho, the only way you can play this game is if you have a very good imagination, along with some very good hypothetical association skills. (I just made that up). Ok, so, let's imagine you are with a group of people. You all have decided that you're going on a field trip. (group field trips are great. Somebody scream "YEAH!") Now, say that you all have decided to go to a specific place. But then ya'll run into a problem. Ya'll done messed around and got LOST! Hey there was this show called "Lost" with a huge following, I really didn't get into it cuz to me it seemed like a newer creepier version of "Gilligan's Island" and I hated that show because they never got off that damn island. Where am I going with this? Well, that's a pretty messed up situation to be in; to be with a group of people who are LOS

And then He said, "Cry Me a River."....(When Sunday Comes)

It's something about walking into your church home and out of nowhere it just seems like suddenly you end up feeling a whole lot better than when you first walked in.  WELL, that was not the case on this past Sunday, not initially. (Lol) If you all read my last post When the Candle Loses Its Fire you might have recalled me being a little disturbed in my spirit, somewhat conflicted, and on the verge of exiling myself from all that I have been called to do to give God the ultimate glory. Moreover I was mourning bad in my sufferings. So a few days passed and I was STILL in my bald-headed feelings and when Sunday came, I wasn't really in nobody's mood to celebrate Easter. So I'm here... at church, in my feelings, waiting for somebody to rub me the wrong way. (Really?) Yes chile, I was ready!  Once I'd partook in the regular routines of the morning, I was ready to teach Sunday school for the 4-8 year old children. (Keep reading, cuz it's about to go DOWN!)