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Showing posts from 2014

Waiting for What?

In three weeks, I will be celebrating two years of holding myself pure until marriage. After making this declaration twice before (and failing of course), during my six year relationship with God, I will say this time around, I have learned so much about myself, so much about relationships and the opposite sex, but most importantly so much about God. He is sooooo freaking amazing y'all. As I forced the things that are natural to take a back seat, God pulled the things that are supernatural to the front. And I have been truly blessed by this. I learned exactly why I failed those previous times at remaining pure! You see, I had placed a heavy emphasis on abstaining for the one I didn't know and not enough emphasis on THE ONE I DO KNOW. Do you get that? When you decide to abstain for your future mate, you put yourself at risk for all types of unecessary temptation and unwanted distractions. Suddenly, everyone you meet is your "POTENTIAL SPOUSE," even the c

Nobody's Perfect

Philippians 3:12 "Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus." Understand this people, nobody's perfect! Just because you decided to give your life over to God, doesn't mean you will suddenly walk away PEEFECT. Your imperfections, character flaws, and personality issues actually will be put on blast!  I'm afraid the influx of social media attention we have experienced has caused perfection to book appearances everywhere. Don't let social media fool you. You know what else I found out, the ones who choose to limit what they share are the ones that seem perfect. And I'm one of them. I'm not perfect. I have panic attacks when I'm stressed. I throw tantrums when something don't seem right. I get depressed when I don't feel appreciated. I get depressed when I'm

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

 As I sat here, at my dining table eating breakfast, I began to reflect on yesterday's witnessing of yet another person walking away freely from a crime he committed against another man, aka the Mike Brown case. I concluded, that although tragically unfortunate, the defense must have done a stand up job at creating REASONABLE DOUBT among the jury. If not, then the accused would have been the CONVICTED.  But I digress. This post will not divulge on the inner city injustices known and unknown. I will not attempt to voice my radical views or conspiracy theories on the mass desecration on society, involving the judicial system and government by way of legislative abuse. I'm not going to do it! Because it's going to be done over and over on somewhere. So let me make a hard right into this post and take the term REASONABLE DOUBT with us. Reasonable doubt- A standard of proof that must be surpassed to convict an accused in a criminal proceeding.


This post is long overdo but I will keep it short and sweet! So, I have been completely uninspired as of late, which is why you guys haven’t heard from me in a while. But so much has happened since my last post. Preached my first sermon, danced my first solo praise dance, and sang my first solo. Yeah, a lot of firsts right? It all sounds good and yes I did my victory dance but I’ve still been feeling like I’m missing my mark on life. My high highs have been followed with some very severe lows masked with temporary accoutrements to satisfy my emotional distaste for my current state of living. Does that make any sense? Ok look, have you ever found yourself in pursuit of happiness and just when you think you found it, the feeling flees. Maybe I’m the only one that feels like I’m chasing butterflies or an imaginary friend. One day I walked into my castle, barely breathing because I was exhausted mentally and physically. I fell onto my bed and I heard God loud in clear, “Tanzy, you’r


If I hear another woman of God say she’s waiting on her “Boaz”, I’m going to scream my lungs bloody and hit her upside the head with an offering basket! Real talk! You’ve read the title, so you probably already can guess that this post is not going to be the nicest cup of tea you’ve had to drink. But you have to drink it and YES THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS! I hate to break it to you dear, BOAZ is not coming! Boaz was for Ruth and Ruth only. Boaz was tied to Ruth’s assignment. He is not TIED TO YOURS! I am afraid that the church has cooked up this lovely fairytale that every woman has a BOAZ designated for her. WRONG! If you go into the word, Boaz wasn’t even all that aaaaanndd Naomi helped Ruth come up with a cute little scheme to get homie’s attention. RUTH 3:1-5 One day Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “My daughter, I must find a home[a] for you, where you will be well provided for. 2 Now Boaz, with whose women you have worked, is a relative of ours. Tonight he wi

Woman of God Stand Your Ground!

Isn't it funny how everything you stand for seems to come under attack all at once? For instance, it's easy to say, "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ," when everything is honky dory. But what will your reaction be, let's say in my case, when you get hit by a car on your way to work on a misty Monday morning? Laying on the wet street won dering why your entire right side of your body's not moving? What would your reaction be then?  Come back with me further to Friday though. What would your reaction be if you decided to meet God at a place you've met Him before, but you're followed by a serpent in the form of an attractive human saying all the right things?  What do you say? "Naw, I'm just playing. I'm not really about that righteous life." Or, "For God I live and for God I die."  Ladies this post is a challenge specifically directed to you! WOMAN OF GOD STAND YOUR GROUND!  I am aiming this post to my

I'm Friends with the Monster

So, I just used up two posts blasting the immature behaviors of petty Christians, thought I would have used a third post but I'm being led to speak on this; our monsters. Not the monsters we've called the ghostbusters on, the monsters we have become FRIENDS WITH. I actually mentioned in a recent post that we create our own monsters and wonder why we can't sleep at night. Those are the ones we actually are friends with. You may ask, "Well how I can be friends with something that I am afraid of?"  Easy. We have issues. Some more than other but the problem arises when we decide to eat sleep and kick it with these issues, using the played out, "God is still working on me." Or "I'm under construction," excuses. Really? How long are we going to keep those scaffolds attached to us? How long will we keep putting off the stone-washing and the replacem

Petty Christians PT II

Let the list continue! Please read 1-3 in the previous post if you haven’t already. 4 Not Reading the Bible This one is going to sting a few folk. You know there are people *cough* believers, who actually stand in line during altar calls, pay tithes, and pass out after every A and B selection the choir sings, but have never or rarely picked up God’s word! Then have the gall to sit in somebody’s pew with their hands out talking about, “God said it’s my season.” So when did He tell you that? Why would He tell you that when your life doesn’t even mimic what He’s said from Genesis to Revelations? These are the same believers who are quick to blame God for their jacked up lives. Not even realizing that their lives are actually mirroring what they believe. Stop fooling yourself, thinking you will have a blessed prosperous life because you go to church faithfully every Sunday wearing a new outfit. You’ve been neglecting God’s word. He’s going to give you the bare minimum beca

Did God Reject My Prayers?

Can you admit that you’ve been praying some prayers for a minute now and have yet to see them manifest? You’ve made some sacrifices and even went as far as denying yourself through fasting only to receive wet pillows and buckets of disappointments. “Did God reject my prayers?” You ask. Let me tell you, you’re not alone. I’m there too. Wondering what I have been doing wrong. Trying to figure out where I missed the mark. It’s one thing to be rejected by people but it’s another thing to feel like you’ve been rejected by God. That’s an awful feeling I can’t even describe to you in this one post. However, what I can say is this, dry hopes and stale assumptions   will never measure up to sincere and genuine faith. Yesterday, I literally had to refrain from doing anything just to understand exactly what could I possibly be doing to garner this absent feeling between me and God. I thought we were doing good. I thought our communication was on point. But, now I’m asking the same the

Jesus Has a Face?

  How many people went to the movies to see the Son of God that was in theaters a while back? Not I! I was not going to see that overly sensationalized depiction of the Bible. I'm for certain it was two hours and some odd minutes worth of blasphemous foolery! Just like the movie Noah and all the other ridiculous adaptations. Am I upset? No. I am just amazed at how much we've been conditioned to believe the LIES, FAIRYTALES, AND FANTASIES!  Warning, this post is probably going to be my most controversial, next to my posts about the tithe! So proceed with caution. After watching the Bible miniseries on the History channel last year I believe, I was sort of rubbed the wrong way in the end. I felt somewhat uneasy. That feeling resurfaced about a week ago after prayer when I asked myself the question, "Jesus has a face?" If he does what does he really look like?  One of the biggest lies we've been told is in regards to what Jesus looked like. This lie